Thomas Aquinas

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For anyone that wants a really simple read that would help with understanding the faith, I would recommend “The Aquinas Catechism” by none other than our beloved Theologian St. Thomas Aquinas of course.
It is actually very easy to understand. I never heard of it before and it was given to me by a friend. I was suprised at how much the Catechism of the Catholic Church actually borrowed from it (even the format).
I agree, but they were written for different purposes. The Catechism was written to instruct those new to the faith. SO the style is much simpler and straightforward. The Summa Theologica was written to combat critics of the faith. If you see how the Summa was written, you will see that it posses a theological premise, then contests it one one to five (or more) contrary points. St. Thomas then contests each point, thereby proving the premise. I believe the Summa is the apologetics primer for anyone wanting to learn how to defend their faith.
Actually, the Summa was written for students of theology. Cf. the preface/prologue:
Because the doctor of Catholic truth ought not only to teach the proficient, but also to instruct beginners (according to the Apostle: As unto little ones in Christ, I gave you milk to drink, not meat – 1 Cor. 3:1-2), we purpose in this book to treat of whatever belongs to the Christian religion, in such a way as may tend to the instruction of beginners. We have considered that students in this doctrine have not seldom been hampered by what they have found written by other authors, partly on account of the multiplication of useless questions, articles, and arguments, partly also because those things that are needful for them to know are not taught according to the order of the subject matter, but according as the plan of the book might require, or the occasion of the argument offer, partly, too, because frequent repetition brought weariness and confusion to the minds of readers.
OTOH, the Summa contra gentiles was written (earlier in his life) by Thomas to equip missionaries to explain and defend the faith when they when into missionary territories, specifically Muslim lands.
IMHO the easiest place to begin is with The Summa Theologiae: A Concise Translation, edited and translated [paraphrased] by Timothy McDermott. I found Professor Kreeft’s Summa of the Summa great for the footnotes, but the old literal English Domincan translation from 1911 was tough. The easiest (yet fairly comprehensive) books about Aquinas and his thought are: 1) Aquinas by Fr. Brian Davies and 2) The Thought of Thomas Aquinas by Fr. Brian Davies and 3) A Tour of the Summa by Fr. Paul Glenn.

But I’m just a slow-minded beginner and others may have better suggestions.
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