Thomism act of choice/volution : a property of the essence or of the person?

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The question boils it down nicely.

More specifically i am looking for material, of any Church fathers or STA that defends the positions that volition is a property of the nature/the essence and not of the person.

The point is to argue that God has only one will, which is true of course, because of God’s simplicity. But i don’t want to argue from simplicity but from any other angle.

I know there might be some things to find approching this from material that deals with diotelithism.

Again, I am looking for quotes and sources.

Be blessed averyone and thank you to anyone who knows about this stuff and is willing to help me out.
Since the time of Aquinas I do not believe you will find anything credible that agrees with you.

While its a very difficult issue an unassailable starting principle must surely be that it is of the very definition of a distinct “person” that distinct originating volition and intellection are what make this person a person in the first place.

When expressed through the divine nature the volitions of each person are somehow “shared” in such a way as to be one.
How that can be is a mystery - though not a contradiction if it be true.

Regardless will must be in some way prior in the divine person than in the divine nature I would think.
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