The question boils it down nicely.
More specifically i am looking for material, of any Church fathers or STA that defends the positions that volition is a property of the nature/the essence and not of the person.
The point is to argue that God has only one will, which is true of course, because of God’s simplicity. But i don’t want to argue from simplicity but from any other angle.
I know there might be some things to find approching this from material that deals with diotelithism.
Again, I am looking for quotes and sources.
Be blessed averyone and thank you to anyone who knows about this stuff and is willing to help me out.
More specifically i am looking for material, of any Church fathers or STA that defends the positions that volition is a property of the nature/the essence and not of the person.
The point is to argue that God has only one will, which is true of course, because of God’s simplicity. But i don’t want to argue from simplicity but from any other angle.
I know there might be some things to find approching this from material that deals with diotelithism.
Again, I am looking for quotes and sources.
Be blessed averyone and thank you to anyone who knows about this stuff and is willing to help me out.