I just read in another thread about how some people had either decided to or attempted to convert to Catholicism when they were something like 10 years old. I am really curious about this. If this story applies to you, would you mind sharing with me what that was like? How much did you understand at the time?
I returned home to the church a little over a year ago. My oldest son is 7 1/2. My husband is nominal protestant. It is your typical sensitive and sticky situation. I have been trying to gently, yet honestly, explain the Catholic faith to my son while still showing respect to his father and his journey. If any of you have heard Steve Ray’s “big ship and the 30,000 rafts” analogy to explain the Catholic Church and its relationship to the Protestant churches, that is the metaphor I’ve used with my son. My son’s best friend is Catholic.
So he is telling me now that he wants to be Catholic.
Great, right?
But he is 7 1/2. How much of this is my persuassion and his desire to be more connected to his best friend. Does it matter? It might to my husband. But then I don’t want to take credit for the Holy Spirit’s work either.
Perhaps hearing your stories will help me discern. He is starting faith formation in the fall.
I returned home to the church a little over a year ago. My oldest son is 7 1/2. My husband is nominal protestant. It is your typical sensitive and sticky situation. I have been trying to gently, yet honestly, explain the Catholic faith to my son while still showing respect to his father and his journey. If any of you have heard Steve Ray’s “big ship and the 30,000 rafts” analogy to explain the Catholic Church and its relationship to the Protestant churches, that is the metaphor I’ve used with my son. My son’s best friend is Catholic.
So he is telling me now that he wants to be Catholic.
Great, right?
But he is 7 1/2. How much of this is my persuassion and his desire to be more connected to his best friend. Does it matter? It might to my husband. But then I don’t want to take credit for the Holy Spirit’s work either.
Perhaps hearing your stories will help me discern. He is starting faith formation in the fall.