Thoughts about sexual depravity today

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It’s scary how many child abusings are going on these days. People will say that it probably happened before the 60s but not reported. That may be true to an extent but I have not heard of these things happening in the 80s or 90s. Weird sins seem to go on the rise in times of economic prosperity as in which we in the Western world live. Many start to suit themselves and, like in the case of those who start believing their own lies or get in a habit of stealing, they do it usually unwittingly when it’s at others’ expense (like a gambling habit or pornography viewing habit). They’ve lost temperance–self-control and can’t conceive how to start setting themselves straight. Society is sick in unprecedented ways.
This is just scary because this has become a society that was told to suit themselves in recent decades and we swallowed it and here we are–all the sins conceivable and unconceivable that are rooted in a practically Godless society. I don’t think we have had, in the last decade, teachers hooking up with students, parents and/or their boyfriends or babysitters killing babies and abductions. We didn’t have frequent school shootings before the 90s. We fallen people will follow the authority that lets us follow their passions and that can go for radical reactionaries as much as radical radicals. I believe, before the sexual revolution’s soldiers grew up and ran courts, schools and government, we had taboos on this kind of thinking–definitely the kinds of sin decriminalized today.
Is all this a delusion? Are we depriving ourselves of God’s light within. We are trying to self-medicate. I have to wonder if the child molester-killers are self-medicating their senses from low self-esteem that comes from a lack of knowledge of God’s love for us and His Providence. We all look to creatures these days for our intimacy with fantasies or premarital sex because we have been deprived of the desire for God by the media and bad examples amongst people who represent religion, but I have to wonder if these people are absolutely nuts because they are going after children. I don’t think this is their plan though it may just be more direct demonic intervention. Their acts will put out the bright light of innocence at a dreadfully early age and screw up their heart, mind and soul for years and decades if not light.
It would have to think, subconsciously, it also could be a feeling of power or getting a feeling of acceptance that they may think they can acquire from children. Maybe some were ackward in their youth. I mean, you see these people and they do not look like former high school football stars or cheerleaders–maybe the guys were laughed at by both. They really look pitiful, but they probably need to be removed from society for good if they are a danger to society (no luck at self-control), because they have an obviously dangerous-to-others addiction. If this isn’t demonic, and is a psycho-spiritual, societal or physiological malady only, mankind is really screwed up these days.
I mean, the communists were into perversion and avoiding direct debates upon reason [you can tell by the names they call social conservatives like narrow-minded, bigoted, etc. and call members of those groups of people, they feel they own by influence (like Catholics, women, ethnic minorities, and sexual minorities) who refute their liberal agenda, “sell-outs” if their liberal peers in alphabet organizations that claim to represent don’t sell them out first in that way as the Pharisees said they have no king but Ceasar to avoid persecution or to accomplish their own agenda as inspired by their communist elite masters]. That has been their aim and they said they would never quit. If one soldier died in action (by old age or disease), they would keep pushing on. Well, they have been succeeding until good Catholic media and grassroots conservative movements influenced voting more Republican and voting against perversities as in the gay marriage vote
Of course, some sexual aggressors are amongst the molested–that probably is mostly emotional and/or physiological in the brain wiring, but the one afflicted still must get themselves treated as a spoiled child must, upon his/her realizing the unchristian thinking and behavior that can engender, must work on opposing (to selfishness) Christian virtues. When we reach the age of reason or having a healthy education on recognizing right and wrong, we are responsible to do our best in getting help if we could develop unhealthy thoughts and behaviors.
I agree your 100% right. Thats why we need the Catholic Church to guide us in troubled times like this.

15 if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth.
I remember things happening in the 70s/80s. There was that day care center where they were abusing the kids, it made national news.
I forgot about the day care molestings–even demonic rites in one case! That still seems to happen unfortunately

Elder abuse is getting bad also.
You say many things that are both sad and true. Is human nature changing? I think not. In pre-Christian Rome, infanticide, especially of girls, was common; at one point the city of Rome was slightly less than 2/3 male. History has seen wars, slavery, and every kind of injustice. People have committed the most ungodly atrocities in God’s name.

The technology has gotten better. You can now get free porn delivered over your phone line, and nobody knows but you. The pill allows us to separate our sexuality from its inconvenient natural consequences. Our weapons have gotten better. Perhaps I should say they’ve gotten more effective.

I think the ease with which porn can be obtained contributes to the increase in child molestation, but there have always been such people. Having a young boy for entertainment was quite fashionable in certain ancient cultures.

Ultimately, the problem is Original Sin. Human nature is good, because God made it, but broken, because we broke it. Manmade solutions won’t work. If someone offers you a manmade solution to Original Sin, run!

For example, Socialism/Communism was supposed to be a solution to Original Sin. Socialists really believed that if people lived long enough in a Socialist environment, human nature would itself change, and there would be no more need for governments. In fact, some even believed that the animals, seeing how rational Socialism is, would adopt it for themselsves, and you’d no longer have wolves chasing rabbits, big fish eating little fish, etc. They called this theory “Scientific Socialism.” It cost somewhere between 60 and 100 million lives, and still some believe in it.

It sounds pretty hopeless, and if mankind were alone, it would be, but we’re not and it isn’t. The answer is Grace, which is a gift from God. Pray for it every day, for all of us.
IRRC one of those big day care cases, complete with “satanic” rites was a big hoax. A paranoid stampede by the press the public and the prosecutors office. Peoples’ lives were ruined without so much as an apology.

But, unfortunately, from Oedipus, hillbilly stereotypes, Ganymede, child brides, and that colorful idiom that is abbreviated MF; incest and child sexual abuse is nothing new

While it is disturbing to hear about, it has got to be a lot better to get it out in the open so it can be dealt with and so that children know that they should tell someone about. Keeping it secret just mean that it is easier for the perpetrators to threaten the victim into silence.
The question about child molesting in ancient times was "was it considered a depravity in the earlier periods of the civilization of each, was the undoing of each civilization brought about by its own radicals and was messing around with kids a symptom of this undoing? After all, each was able to keep away enemies until their last decades or centuries.

I have to wonder if the more aggressive pedophiles are like women feminists who had been abused in some ways by representatives of a certain religion and certain civilization in that they may have been molested by abused as children or teased horribly by kids at school. They may feel unloved or unloveable and be bitter to the point they want to trash that environment or the fabric of that civilization. They probably, at least subconsciously, can’t stand the light of God in families and civilization that works (because, when both seek God, they work)and don’t want anyone to have it if they can’t. It’s probably a kind of selfishness that drives teased kids, driven to hate, wanting to destroy all who hurt them although, unlike the first two tortured souls, they tend to turn their self-hate upon themselves afterwards with a bullet. All this is a Pridefulness unfortunately not registered in the consciousness of the tortured soul.

Sometimes they want to bring others down with them. Maybe they think it will salve their conscience if they feel not alone in their rage though I doubt they will ever find that fellowship they seek because they are all miserable. Unfortunately, some of these would not ordinarily fall to these plagues, but they fall upon their literature, their members, etc. as was probably the case of the not as extreme Mary Jo Weaver in “Ungodly Rage”.

The never-do-wells seem subject to the temptations of extremists and the latter usually swallow their soul as the Yakuza absorbs smaller gangs and punks, though, as in the case of never do wells and feminists, not all join a larger “gang” (such as the Unibomber).
Some less extreme are sympathizers. Most of us are never-do-wells in our relationship with God and so we have left the youth to preach premarital sex and indifferentism as the only font of happiness despite their losing friends to these societal ills because they’ve only seen the images of religious people doing evil and can’t see much else. Their parents have lots of money and “toys” and/or desire more and are still miserable married or divorced. They aren’t trying to imitate Christ for their kids and the kids aren’t learning about how Christ only can make them truly happy (though any wisdom religion, if not watered down or not extremist, would make them happier people than they are now) and they can’t imagine where to start or how it’s conceivable if they heard about Christ (or any decent religion, in a lesser sense) making them happy.

These too are lost souls that, though not offended directly by any representative of organized wisdom religions, may actually feel betrayed due possibly to upbringing in one of those churches. I believe Chesterton said that socialists use force (though not in America unless you throw in the classroom), but the capitalists betray. I’m afraid we conservatives got careless in our relationship with Jesus and scandalized the “little ones” and we still do it but may not be as responsible as the ones who lived in a time of faith and chose money or communism instead for love, pragmatism or other pleasure-seeking.

That any young convert from the sins of this age is truly God’s grace and a little of the leftist’s own medicine, having broken up the families of kids that would naturally turn on their evil, arrogant bubble (actually Satan’s evil empire) when the light of God’s grace had truly enlightened them and the Holy Spirit strengthened them.

These are my thoughts. I hope they are probable but I very well could be wrong. I was teased, I don’t have a career and I bought the teachings of the talk-radio hosts and ultratraditionalists and I have imagined in the past what I might have done if not for the grace of God keeping me from imagining such evils. The worst I have done is complain about certain groups–which is not good. I have griped about my parents, which isn’t a sin also. I was given an imagination by God not well used by me, but probably a useful buffer against worse reactions until a stronger faith could use it to meditate on Christ’s sufferings or something like that.
I remember things happening in the 70s/80s. There was that day care center where they were abusing the kids, it made national news.
That sounds like the McMartin Daycare case, which was a total trumped-up fake. Another problem we had for awhile was “recovered memory” syndrome, and the notion that “kids don’t lie” so this one turned into a real phony witchhunt and I believe it ended in acquittal, after ruining a bunch of lives. I mean, the kids were saying things like “they stuck needles in a doll and drank peepee.” Typical pervert stuff, huh? The kids’ imagination just went out of control, instigated by the counselors’ suggestive questioning.

As for the current situation, I’m undecided as to whether it’s worse today or not. It sure seems worse but how do we really know, when things used to go unreported? My brother tried to molest the little girl next door, and as he had just turned 17 my mother marched him to the Navy recruiter and he was gone. I don’t think anything was ever reported. That was how they dealt with things in 1958. An old judge told me about a sheepherder who was molesting his daughters & the authorities had him castrated somehow.

The traffic in children is really horrifying. Easy travel to Bangkok etc makes this inviting to perverts the world over. But I believe children, i.e. poor children, were as much as risk in the 19th century if not more so. And I heard that since they’ve been cracking down on child porn in Europe, the big thing now is bestiality, and about half of the problems animals are taken to vets now for are from human intercourse.

The Evil One is definitely on a roll.
work(name removed by moderator)rogress:
It’s scary how many child abusings are going on these days. People will say that it probably happened before the 60s but not reported. That may be true to an extent but I have not heard of these things happening in the 80s or 90s. Weird sins seem to go on the rise in times of economic prosperity as in which we in the Western world live. Many start to suit themselves and, like in the case of those who start believing their own lies or get in a habit of stealing, they do it usually unwittingly when it’s at others’ expense (like a gambling habit or pornography viewing habit). They’ve lost temperance–self-control and can’t conceive how to start setting themselves straight. Society is sick in unprecedented ways.
This is just scary because this has become a society that was told to suit themselves in recent decades and we swallowed it and here we are–all the sins conceivable and unconceivable that are rooted in a practically Godless society. I don’t think we have had, in the last decade, teachers hooking up with students, parents and/or their boyfriends or babysitters killing babies and abductions. We didn’t have frequent school shootings before the 90s. We fallen people will follow the authority that lets us follow their passions and that can go for radical reactionaries as much as radical radicals. I believe, before the sexual revolution’s soldiers grew up and ran courts, schools and government, we had taboos on this kind of thinking–definitely the kinds of sin decriminalized today.
Is all this a delusion? Are we depriving ourselves of God’s light within. We are trying to self-medicate. I have to wonder if the child molester-killers are self-medicating their senses from low self-esteem that comes from a lack of knowledge of God’s love for us and His Providence. We all look to creatures these days for our intimacy with fantasies or premarital sex because we have been deprived of the desire for God by the media and bad examples amongst people who represent religion, but I have to wonder if these people are absolutely nuts because they are going after children. I don’t think this is their plan though it may just be more direct demonic intervention. Their acts will put out the bright light of innocence at a dreadfully early age and screw up their heart, mind and soul for years and decades if not light.
It would have to think, subconsciously, it also could be a feeling of power or getting a feeling of acceptance that they may think they can acquire from children. Maybe some were ackward in their youth. I mean, you see these people and they do not look like former high school football stars or cheerleaders–maybe the guys were laughed at by both. They really look pitiful, but they probably need to be removed from society for good if they are a danger to society (no luck at self-control), because they have an obviously dangerous-to-others addiction. If this isn’t demonic, and is a psycho-spiritual, societal or physiological malady only, mankind is really screwed up these days.
I mean, the communists were into perversion and avoiding direct debates upon reason [you can tell by the names they call social conservatives like narrow-minded, bigoted, etc. and call members of those groups of people, they feel they own by influence (like Catholics, women, ethnic minorities, and sexual minorities) who refute their liberal agenda, “sell-outs” if their liberal peers in alphabet organizations that claim to represent don’t sell them out first in that way as the Pharisees said they have no king but Ceasar to avoid persecution or to accomplish their own agenda as inspired by their communist elite masters]. That has been their aim and they said they would never quit. If one soldier died in action (by old age or disease), they would keep pushing on. Well, they have been succeeding until good Catholic media and grassroots conservative movements influenced voting more Republican and voting against perversities as in the gay marriage vote
Of course, some sexual aggressors are amongst the molested–that probably is mostly emotional and/or physiological in the brain wiring, but the one afflicted still must get themselves treated as a spoiled child must, upon his/her realizing the unchristian thinking and behavior that can engender, must work on opposing (to selfishness) Christian virtues. When we reach the age of reason or having a healthy education on recognizing right and wrong, we are responsible to do our best in getting help if we could develop unhealthy thoughts and behaviors.
I responded about my own similar experiences which still haunt me: see what I wrote in The moral theology section as a response to the thread: “STRANGER FEAR” and give your opinions. Thanks:
Do you think sexual child abuse might be like the elderly preacher in Poltergeist 2. Is it like they consciously or subconsciously are looking for an innocence they lost in the light of a child but are carrying a demonic plague with them that flusters their ability to make a connection with that light in a proper way? Sort of like the worst social ackwardness case that one could have under which in social disorders might only be a rapist trying to find an intimacy with a kind woman in the worst way that could be done (sort of like what Jack Nicholson’s character does to a lesser extent in “About Schmidt”)?

Like I said, I’m just speculating. I think the famous Dr. Menninger actually believed in the demonic in how he described patients coincidentally (or not) like the raving mad naked man in the Bible whose demon(s) Jesus cast out. I think this is more frequent than earlier reported because we never had a do-what-feel-good “me” generation with fewer taboos than before. Is the number of women acting so unmother’s intuition and caring nature-like neglect and abuse something unreported before the 70s?

Am I just way off here? Is all this just mass psychology of people hooked on shows where this smut is promoted by perverse (aware or not of that mentality of theirs as being such) people or is this demonic? Are demons just using some who are demonically oppressed to influence the human spirit in others to do demonic kind of things? It’s fascinating and scary. Maybe Fr. Amorth knows this better.
these evil things have been going on, i guess, since the origins of humanity. it just has just been hidden and not reported, or noticed. a lot of the evil things were done un dungeons underneath castles. there are certain people who are intrinsically evil. God combats this with His Church. evil has always existed in abundance. think about crucifixion. what a horrible way to die!
think about glue traps for mice. the poor mouse dies slowly of starvation. on and on.

(d)evil is with us, as is also God. hope and pray and cling to God.
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