I have several non catholic friends that talk quite a lot about an anti-Christ. Can anyone enlighten me on catholic teaching on this subject?
From a Catholic perspective, the Left Behind series is NOT an accurate depiction of the Church’s view on the the anti-Christ. Dispensational Pre-millinialists (DP) often cite Rivera as evidence of historic (DP) teaching but the resemblance is a superficial one.As I understand it, the “acccepted” view on the anti-christ, started by a Jesuit named Cardinal Ribera. The left Behind series is a somewhat accurate depiction of this view. Though my own personal view about the issue varies greatly, Jesuit Futurism was accepted by the RCC during the Council of Trent.
These are all well and good, but it is conjecture. There is no harm in trying to put the pieces together and coming up with a logical conclusion, as long as one remembers that the Church doesn’t make any statements abouot who the two prophets are, whether the “great tribulation” lasts 7 years (7 could denote a perfect period of judgment), whether there is a literal, singular man who is the antichrist, etc. Theories abound, and I love reading them. But we always need to stay grounded. The more I’ve read on the topic, the more I realize that there are a lot of great theories that can fit the book, and in reality nobody really knows what it all means.I’ve read one catholic book concerning the anti-christ- can’t quite remember the title (The tribuation - the triumph? something like that)
They describe him as being successful in rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. He succeeds in deceiving the jews into believing he is their messiah - and sits in the temple accepting worship from them.
After that he sets his sights on Rome - and his attempts to deceive christians (to establish a one world religion with himself as the object of worship)
This is where it gets confusing for me.
At some point Enoch and Elijah return to fight him in this endeavor - and they are killed.
There is also reference to a french king who battles the ant-christ under the banner of the cross? (French?)
At no time however - is there any “rapture”
Disasters? Disease? War? Yes.
Millions disappearing without a trace - snatched away by God never to experience death? No
Of course…in the end we all know what happens. Thank God.
As for me? We never know when our own personal “last day” will occur. That is the day we should be concerned with - and that day could happen any time.
But I’ll pass the word along to my kids…when they see the temple rebuilt - it is time for heavy duty prayers!!
That book is Trial, tribulation & triumph: before, during, and after the Antichrist by Birch, Desmond A.I’ve read one catholic book concerning the anti-christ- can’t quite remember the title (The tribuation - the triumph? something like that)
I’m not so sure about Hitler. One of the attributes of the anit-Christ is that he will appear as Christ (taking the place of Christ), and Hitler was far from that.Hitler was an antichrist, but not the Antichrist.
… many antichrists have come …
1 John 2:18