I don’t do facebook nor do I tweet. Therefore this is my way of sharing online how I feel during this post election period in the u.s. Not sure if this thread will belong here or maybe be moved.
There are two quotes I’d like to share that I believe pertain to the radicalized protestors and rioters among the Clinton followers and to the radicalized of the Trump followers. I don’t need to or don’t feel the need to explain what has been happening the past couple of days as it has been all over the news and social media I’m told.
There are two quotes I’d like to share that I believe pertain to the radicalized protestors and rioters among the Clinton followers and to the radicalized of the Trump followers. I don’t need to or don’t feel the need to explain what has been happening the past couple of days as it has been all over the news and social media I’m told.
"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."
Soren Kierkegaard
"Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile."
Mark 7:15
There is always talk of coming together, working together, but we are a nation, a society of radicals. For us there is no middle path. It is us versus them, we and they. We will never come together other than in minute trivial matters, not the issues that we really care about because we have all been radicalized in one way or another to believe the other is evil. Fortunately we haven't begun beheading people yet.