The corruption of minors by the Culture of Perversion:
PFThousands of 13-Year-Olds Given Abortifacient Morning-After Pills without Parents Knowledge
By Terry Vanderheyden
LONDON, January 16, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Statistics obtained from the UK’s Department of Health revealed that thousands of girls 13 or younger have been given the abortifacient morning-after pill without their parent’s knowledge or consent.
The National Health Service figures revealed that at 302 clinics about 2,400 13-year-old or younger girls had been given the morning-after pill, while another 400 were secretly given long-term (usually by hormonal implant) contraception. The figures do not take into account those girls who obtained the pills independently from pharmacists. The Daily Mail obtained the statistics through the Freedom of Information Act.
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