Three Days of Darkness?

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What are the Three Days of Darkness?

I’ve heard things like:
  1. Keep Blessed Salt on hand
  2. Cover the windows when it happens
  3. Keep Blessed Candles on hand as regular candles won’t work
  4. Lock all doors and don’t open them for anthing or anyone
  5. Keep lots of bottled water and canned food around
  6. Pray
Donna P:
What are the Three Days of Darkness?

I’ve heard things like:
  1. Keep Blessed Salt on hand
  2. Cover the windows when it happens
  3. Keep Blessed Candles on hand as regular candles won’t work
  4. Lock all doors and don’t open them for anthing or anyone
  5. Keep lots of bottled water and canned food around
  6. Pray
I’ve heard those, too.

My wife used to say them.

I now think this is some takeoff on the Dark Night of the Soul, but without any actual knowledge I’ll just leave it to others to do more than speculate.

She doesn’t say them anymore.

According to some sources, the Great Tribulation will end with a three-day period in which the Earth will be cleansed of the forces of evil --Three Days of Darkness.
I have heard of the three days of darkness related to Italian mystic Anna Maria Taigi… she often would have visions of the future.

There are other holy ppl within the Catholic church who also speak of this 3 days of darkness and it usually goes the same way… To stay in the home and cover all windows during these 3 days… To keep a blessed candle lit that supposedly will not go out for the 3 days of darkness and stay in constant prayer. To not venture outside during these days for there are demons prowling about outside who will kill you and so on…

I think all in all, it is just better to focus on prayer and being good to one another and let the end come when it comes. No one knows when the end is to finally arrive since Our Lord said it will come like a thief in the night.

God bless
I have not heard of these things to do during the three days. One can wonder when the three days will take place, yet only God knows that.

I often wonder if we are in the endtimes…the world seems to be such a mess.
The Church does not oblige us to believe in any particular prophecy as a matter of faith de fide], but we are indeed obliged to believe that prophecies may be made even in our own times, for this is in the Gospel Evangelium]: the Holy Ghost will speak to many in the Latter Days.

Moreover, when an identical prophecy has been made by widely separated people in time and space, when this particular prophecy was accompanied by other predictions which have already come to pass, and when the holiness of the mystics in question has been recognized by the Church, we would be foolish indeed not to believe that the prophecy must come to pass. Such is the case concerning the Three Days of Darkness. How else could we explain that an illiterate peasant woman of Brittany is describing the very thing that another mystic in, say, Germany or Italy is also describing?
The Three Days of Darkness beliefs are rather sketchy.

They have an air of superstition about them, and only one or two of seers has been beatified, Taigi being one of them. And hers were the most mild prophecies about it.

Some of the extremists about this, like Marie Julie Jahenny have been completely dismissed.

It is not part of traditional Catholic eschatology, it would only be part of the general end times disasters that are thought to happen.
The Church does not oblige us to believe in any particular prophecy as a matter of faith de fide], but we are indeed obliged to believe that prophecies may be made even in our own times, for this is in the Gospel Evangelium]: the Holy Ghost will speak to many in the Latter Days.

Moreover, when an identical prophecy has been made by widely separated people in time and space, when this particular prophecy was accompanied by other predictions which have already come to pass, and when the holiness of the mystics in question has been recognized by the Church, we would be foolish indeed not to believe that the prophecy must come to pass. Such is the case concerning the Three Days of Darkness. How else could we explain that an illiterate peasant woman of Brittany is describing the very thing that another mystic in, say, Germany or Italy is also describing?
But when such messages come from condemned “apparition” or from “apparitions” that are not approved one would be prudent to ignore them.

I stand by what the Church Teaches.

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

There will be no further Revelation

**66]/b] “The Christian economy, therefore, since it is the new and definitive Covenant, will never pass away; and no new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Yet even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made completely explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries.

67** Throughout the ages, there have been so-called “private” revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ’s definitive Revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the Magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church.

Christian faith cannot accept “revelations” that claim to surpass or correct the Revelation of which Christ is the fulfillment, as is the case in certain non-Christian religions and also in certain recent sects which base themselves on such “revelations”.
I do agree with ByzCatholic, that there are to be no new revelations; however, I think lots of writings by Mystics are already revealed but are camoflaged.

I am of the opinion that everything that Jesus Christ experienced on Earth as the God Man will in some way be experienced by the Church during her life on Earth. As such, I feel that the Church will go through a Passion and a Crucifixion, and will be shrouded in darkness for three days in a tomb.

I feel the Church is in her Passion, now–more specifically on the Way of the Cross. I feel we’ve just passed the point were Veronica offered Jesus a drink, but was not allowed to do so by the Roman authories because of what happened to Terri Schiavo. She was Catholic, and probably a Victim Soul. There were people standing outside her hospital room who tried to go in and offer her a cup of water, but were arrested before being allowed to do so. I feel the Schiavo case has “upped” the timeline. The Church has just passed Veronica on the Way of the Cross.

The Church will one day be crucified. I do not know what form this will take, and I shudder to meditate upon it.

When the Church dies on the cross, and when Our Lady and others place her in the tomb, she will be there for THREE DAYS.

I think that the Three Days of Darkness will be an event that will somehow coincide with the purification of the world by fire on the Last Judgement. Afterward, the Church will arise from the Tomb and the Earth will have been made anew. The Day the tomb is opened will correspond to the Resurrection of the Dead.

This is why I feel the Three Days of Darkness is not new Revelation. It is already present in the Magesterium in camoflage.
Rather than spending ten minutes on “three days of darkness”, I have found it infinitely more profitable to invest that time learning about these things:

(1)…The blood of Christ…Exod. 24: 6-8 / Matt. 26: 26-28
(2)…The New Covenant…Heb. 12: 24
(3)…The New Living Path…Heb. 10: 20
(4)…The Exodus (discussed in Christ’s transfiguration) Luke 9:
(5)…The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
(6)…The Love of TRUTH…2 Thess. 2: 10
(7)…Roles of Service… Eph. 4: 11 - 13
(8)…how to be badly misled… Matt. 22: 29
(9)…how to offer your body to God at the Altar…Romans 12: 1
(10)…how to receive REVELATION …Matt; 11: 25-27
(11)…Good ol’ Catholic Baptism…Rom. 6:3 / 1Ptr. 3: 20,21
(12)…Why is the Atonement needed ?..Gen. 6: 5-8

Happy Hunting !

Donna P:
What are the Three Days of Darkness?

I’ve heard things like:
  1. Keep Blessed Salt on hand
  2. Cover the windows when it happens
  3. Keep Blessed Candles on hand as regular candles won’t work
  4. Lock all doors and don’t open them for anthing or anyone
  5. Keep lots of bottled water and canned food around
  6. Pray
Think about it.
The best thing to do during the “three Days of Darkness” is to PRAY PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, and oh yeah PRAY.
Think about it.
Sounds that way to me too…
The use of Sacramentals, such as Blessed salt, Blessed crucifixes and blessed candles is not superstition if these objects are used with faith. Here is a definition of “sacramentals” (a.k.a. blessed objects) from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

an exerpt:
"Apart from the ceremonies relating to the administration of the sacraments the Church has instituted others for the purpose of private devotion. To distinguish between them, the latter are named sacramentals because of the resemblance between their rites and those of the sacraments properly so-called. In ancient times the term sacrament alone was used, but numerous confusions resulted and the similarity of rites and terms led many Christians to regard both as sacraments. After Peter Lombard the use and definition of the word “sacramental” had a fixed character and was exclusively applicable to those rites presenting an external resemblance to the sacraments but not applicable to the sensible signs of Divine institution. St. Thomas Aquinas makes use of the terms sacra and sacramentalia (Summa I-II, Q. cviii, a. 2 ad 2um; III, Q. lxv, a. 1 ad 8um), which the theologians of a later period adopted, so that at present sacramentalia is exclusively reserved for those rites which are practiced apart from the administration of the seven sacraments, for which the word ceremonies is used.

The number of the sacramentals may not be limited; nevertheless, the attempt has been made to determine their general principles or rather applications in the verse: “Orans, tinctus, edens, confessus, dans, benedicens”.
* Orans indicates public prayer, whether liturgical or private;
* tinctus, the use of holy water and the unctions in use at various consecrations;
* edens, the eating of blessed foods;
* confessus, the general avowal of faults which is made in the Confiteor recited at Mass, at Communion, in the Divine Office;
* dans, alms;
* benedicens, papal and episcopal blessings etc., blessings of candles, ashes, palms etc.
Another distinction classifies sacramentals according to whether they are acts, e.g. the Confiteor mentioned above, or things, such as medals, holy water etc. The sacramentals do not produce sanctifying grace ex opere operato, by virtue of the rite or substance employed, and this constitutes their essential difference from the sacraments. The Church is unable to increase or reduce the number of sacraments as they were instituted by Christ, but the sacramentals do not possess this dignity and privilege. Theologians do not agree as to whether the sacramentals may confer any other grace ex opere operantis through the action of the one who uses them, but the negative opinion is more generally followed, for as the Church cannot confer sanctifying grace nor institute signs thereof, neither can she institute efficacious signs of the other graces which God alone can give. Moreover, as experience teaches, the sacramentals do not infallibly produce their effect. Finally in the euchologic formulas of the sacramentals the Church makes use, not of affirmative, but of deprecatory expressions, which shows that she looks directly to Divine mercy for the effect."

My little brother was a Boy Scout, and their motto was “BE PREPARED.”

In all likelihood, the Last Judgement will not happen in my lifetime. I think that we could easily have another 300+ years to go. But, — just in case — I keep Sacramentals on hand. I have lots of blessed candles on the shrine in my living room and blessed crucifixes on my door (the tiny one-inch crucifixes) and blessed salt in storage in a dry place.

Blessed Salt can be used — in case of EXTREME tribulations — to purify food for consumption if used in faith. The most common use is to bless property. I had a big bag of salt blessed by a local priest, and the Church has a special prayer – just for blessing salt.

I really like the candles that have religious images on them, and they’re cheap. You can buy 8 inch candles with images of Our Lady or Jesus or a Saint on them for about $1.30, and they last months. I burn blessed candles at home, and when I run out, I go to the store, buy a bunch of cheap candles, stick them in a big bag, and have Father bless them. Very easy. Also not a bad idea to keep candles around just incase the power goes out. It does here often!

I think it’s a good idea — whether you believe in 3 days of Darkness or not — to have a blessed crucifix on the outside doors of your home, merely as a profession of faith. A crucifix on your door says, “This is a Catholic home.” It also warns Jehovah Witnesses and Mormon Missionaries that there is no way on God’s green earth you will accept their literature or convert to their faith! LOL!

I also WEAR a blessed crucifix at all times.

I feel Sacramentals can do a soul no harm. So go for it.
If you want some good reliable info Donna P I suggest you get a copy of Trial, Tribulation & Triumph: Before, During, and After Antichrist. by Desmond A Birch it has lots of info from Church approved sources.
I have no belief in this TDOD, however, if there is any truth to it
God will show us the way to go. We must depend on Him.
I’ve heard some rumors of such a prediction. I think some of this has come from the seers at Medjugore. That is NOT an officially sanctioned apparition site, so the Church does not follow it very closely.

There are several events that will happen long before the 3 days of darkness. Also a few days prior, every believer is to get a personal warning, so it will not be a complete surprise. Of course by then, it may be a bit too late to do much about it.

Part of the advice was to get one’s house blessed, and this I found out is quite an event in itself. It is not so simple as just having your local priest over for lunch or dinner and having a simple prayer said. It is supposed to be quite an eleborate ceremony, at least that is what my pastor says.

What is really interesting is that a bit after I had read about the predictions, I read in a local paper that there was indeed a build up of AM radio waves in the upper atmosphere that could disrupt all electronics suddenly. It did not predict when this could happen or how long the disruption could last, but it does fit in with the description of an interruption of electricity and electronic devices.

How it would become pitch dark in the daytime is anyone’s guess,
How it would become pitch dark in the daytime is anyone’s guess,
it could be:
Smoke from the earth burning up from bombs and wars.

The sun actually dims tremedously.

There was a post here that mentions that the Church IS also walking the Way of the Cross. I do tend to belive that, but the time frame is still a bit shaky.
The sex abuse scandal HAS to be in typology one of the times 'Christ fell, but which one? I lke the analogy about linking Terri Schaivo and Veronica’s wiping the face of Christ.

Then again, how does the ‘new springtime’ fit into all of this?

One words that seems to repeat in many of these posts IS 'Faith". If and when these thing ‘are’ to happen I take it in Faith that I will be protected by Christ’s love.
Rather than spending ten minutes on “three days of darkness”, I have found it infinitely more profitable to invest that time learning about these things:

(1)…The blood of Christ…Exod. 24: 6-8 / Matt. 26: 26-28
(2)…The New Covenant…Heb. 12: 24
(3)…The New Living Path…Heb. 10: 20
(4)…The Exodus (discussed in Christ’s transfiguration) Luke 9:
(5)…The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
(6)…The Love of TRUTH…2 Thess. 2: 10
(7)…Roles of Service… Eph. 4: 11 - 13
(8)…how to be badly misled… Matt. 22: 29
(9)…how to offer your body to God at the Altar…Romans 12: 1
(10)…how to receive REVELATION …Matt; 11: 25-27
(11)…Good ol’ Catholic Baptism…Rom. 6:3 / 1Ptr. 3: 20,21
(12)…Why is the Atonement needed ?..Gen. 6: 5-8

Happy Hunting !

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