Time Magazine BLASTED for promoting 'gay teens'

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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Time magazine blasted
for promoting ‘gay teens’
Publication doesn’t disclose cover story written by homosexual
from article

In the article, Cloud positively portrays the phenomenon of ever-younger American children self-identifying as “gay,” praises the massive proliferation of Gay Straight Alliance clubs in public schools nationwide, showcases the Point Foundation, which provides scholarships to youngsters who believe they are “gay,” and categorically dismisses professional therapeutic and religious attempts to help homosexuals change their orientation.
Yeah, I read that article in a waiting room today. Actually, I was expecting more bias than he showed. Though he did say teens who don’t embrace the “gay” lifestyle were often depressed and suicidal, he also profiled one chaste young man with SSA whom he described as being pretty well-adjusted.
After reading about the Point foundation, well, maybe I could be attracted to women after all…how much money did you say? :rolleyes:
I too read the article and I also didn’t find it as gay-biased as I thought I would, suprisingly. I mean the media is so predictable but honestly this was at least a more concerned effort at balance even if not a perfect portrayal.
I was rather surprised at the TIME article, I thought it would be gay biased, but I’m surprised that it was very open and included stuff about PFOX and ex-gays and their religious views. So all in all I’d say a decent job!
This gets me angry. Why should someone have a free education because they are homosexual? I don’t see anyone giving out scholarships to those who are straight!

Michael :mad:
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