According to the Catholic Church when we die we undergo a personal judgement.
We are judged according to what we did with the talents given to us by GOD. (To keep up with parable from Jesus)
If we are deemed worthy we invested carefully the talents received and produced fruits. (The Church states we die in friendship with the Lord).
We can go either straight to Heaven OR to Heaven but through Purgatory, (St Paul states “If anyone’s work is burned up, he will suffer its loss, but he himself will still be saved, but only as through fire”).
One more thing is that if we are in Purgatory we are there not because we were somehow NOT forgiven. We have been forgiven. But the sins that we committed still have repercussions that weigh us down.
Broken glass that we did not pickup completely when we broke windows.
St Paul would say that we did not build with Gold, Silver and precious stones. Instead we built with hay and rubble. He of course is referring to our treasury in Heaven.
Of course the precious metals and stones refer to our good deeds that accrue us treasury in Heaven.
Let’s say that I start a rumour about someone and I destroy someone’s reputation. I go to confession and I am absolved. I try to remedy the damage I caused. But am not totally successful.
Then I die. I did not pay the complete penalty for my sin, I go to Purgatory. My sin is still running around from mouth to mouth still creating damage. I cannot do anything about it except silently acknowledge my responsibility accept my punishment and hope in GOD it will eventually stop spreading. I am still a happy soul though! I am going to Heaven, because IF I am in Purgatory… talk about having total assurance of salvation.
Now, if the soul is instead condemned (died unrepentant and NOT in friendship with GOD), then his/her destination is hell.
Now we are composite creatures we have a body and a soul. Once we separate from our bodies we cannot change the status of our souls.
We are told in the Bible that we are given the chance to repent even as we exhale our last mortal breath. And GOD is merciful HE wishes all to be saved. But HE respects our free will. It seems that this freewill is only active while we still have a body. Somehow our spirit or soul lacks the possibility of having it.
The Angels instead even though Spiritual beings had this freewill active at the moment they were created and once taken the decision they remain set in it.