The bathroom is my reading place too! I also try to get up earlier than my kids and read then. (TRY is the key word here - I have a 6 month old who is still not sleeping through the night so when my 22 month old sleeps in, I WANT to too!!) My son (the 22month old) naps after lunch, so I often have a half hour or so to read then if there aren’t too many other things to do. Depending on what you are reading and how heavy it is, could you read aloud? During Lent, my husband and I made an effort to do some sort of daily religious reading - scripture, a daily devotional, or bible history, etc. We would let our son play on the floor quietly with some religious toys (his own bibles, unblessed rossary, Mary/Joseph statues, etc). to signifiy that it was a spiritual time while we read aloud. I was surprised by how both of my kids responded to this.
Good luck!