Time Travel to Jesus' time?

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I’ve taken this topic from Brian Pusatari’s “Broken Door Ministries” blog but I thought it was an interesting exercise: If you could travel back to the time of Jesus, which of the following locations and events would you most want to be present for?

Nazareth to hear the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to bear the Son of God
Nazareth to observe Jesus growing up
Bethlehem to be present for the birth of Christ
The Jordan River to witness the Baptism of our Lord
Cana of Galilee to see Jesus turn water into wine
The Sea of Galilee to watch Jesus walk on water
Capharnaum to observe Jesus saying to Peter and Andrew “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Capharnaum to hear Jesus tell everyone that they must eat His Body and Drink His blood in order to have life within them
Tabgha to sit among the crowd as Jesus fed over 5,000 people with just with five loaves and two fish
Mount Tabor to witness the Transfiguration
On the mountain to be present for the Sermon on the Mount
Overlooking the City as Jesus wept over Jerusalem and foretold its destruction
Seated at the table in the upper room for the Last Supper
Present in the Garden of the Gethsemane during Jesus’ agony, betrayal and arrest
Near the fire in the courtyard to hear Peter deny knowing Jesus three times
Walking next to Jesus as He carries His cross
At Calvary looking up at Jesus as He dies on the cross
Present at the tomb to witness Jesus rising from the dead
Looking up into the sky as Jesus ascended into Heaven
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If i only got to pick one: Walking next to Jesus as He carries His cross
Jesus would look at you and say, “You’re not supposed to be here”. Then he’d send you back to your time.

Some people like the writings of Maria Valtorta…
You would bring along microbes that could cause much illness and suffering. Time travel is a messy business!
I couldn’t pick just one…I want to see it all, from start to finish!
My wish is not on the list. But i’d like to be in the room at Pentecost.
I want to be present for ALL of them.

If I can only pick one, it’s
Present at the tomb to witness Jesus rising from the dead
I always pick the Ascension on any poll of “historical event you’d most want to see”.

Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the thought of Jesus rising up and disappearing behind a cloud. When I was a child, I drew a picture of me, my mom and my dad all holding hands with me in the middle and going straight up to Heaven the same way. It made my parents laugh.
No. My place is to be one who did not see and believed.
As we all are, but knowing that your faith is strong, and the purpose of viewing an event is simply awe-struck wonder and not confirmation, Which would you pick?
You would bring along microbes that could cause much illness and suffering. Time travel is a messy business!
But suppose you just had a time viewer, where you needn’t actually be there, but could view events. Would you choose one?
I’ve taken this topic from Brian Pusatari’s “Broken Door Ministries” blog but I thought it was an interesting exercise: If you could travel back to the time of Jesus, which of the following locations and events would you most want to be present for?
Dare i walk up to the cross? i’m not worthy.

I would like to be around for one of the miracles though. I would be in the distance on a hill watching jesus feed his people. But knowing Jesus he would turn his heard and look directly at me, and all the hairs on the back of my head would stand up.
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None of the above. I would like to purchase a table that Jesus made in the Carpentry shop, have him sign it, and then bring it back in the time travel machine and put it in my dining room and eat all my meals off of it, being the only one who knew who the real craftsman was. I’d have friends over for a meal, again being the only one knowing who made the table at which they were sitting.
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I would like to purchase a table that Jesus made in the Carpentry shop
It’s interesting that we always think of Jesus as a woodworker when the word “Carpenter” was used to describe “builders” in early translations, readers understood that Joseph was a “builder”, probably actually a stone mason who built houses and other small structures but could also have been a woodworker since building required multiple disciplines. Remember that wood was a somewhat scarce commodity in the areas around Jerusalem and Nazareth so many other materials and techniques were used…

All that said however, that would be an AWESOME dining table!
Yea, I do remember Joseph being described with the word “teckton”, Greek for builder in a more generic sense. Worked in many mediums at the time. I still like the picture of the Lord building with the products of His Heavenly Father though.
I still like the picture of the Lord building with the products of His Heavenly Father though.
Well, actually, anything Jesus used for building materials would be from the Heavenly Father. I can picture him carving stone with immaculate precision (Picture the great cathedrals, all made from stone) just as easily as carving wood into exquisite works of art.

Although, I have to also believe that in His perfect humble nature, His work would have been quietly utilitarian, and not of any higher quality perhaps than the carpenter three blocks over, not wanting to call unnecessary attention to Himself before he was ready to start His ministry.
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