I’ve taken this topic from Brian Pusatari’s “Broken Door Ministries” blog but I thought it was an interesting exercise: If you could travel back to the time of Jesus, which of the following locations and events would you most want to be present for?
Nazareth to hear the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to bear the Son of God
Nazareth to observe Jesus growing up
Bethlehem to be present for the birth of Christ
The Jordan River to witness the Baptism of our Lord
Cana of Galilee to see Jesus turn water into wine
The Sea of Galilee to watch Jesus walk on water
Capharnaum to observe Jesus saying to Peter and Andrew “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Capharnaum to hear Jesus tell everyone that they must eat His Body and Drink His blood in order to have life within them
Tabgha to sit among the crowd as Jesus fed over 5,000 people with just with five loaves and two fish
Mount Tabor to witness the Transfiguration
On the mountain to be present for the Sermon on the Mount
Overlooking the City as Jesus wept over Jerusalem and foretold its destruction
Seated at the table in the upper room for the Last Supper
Present in the Garden of the Gethsemane during Jesus’ agony, betrayal and arrest
Near the fire in the courtyard to hear Peter deny knowing Jesus three times
Walking next to Jesus as He carries His cross
At Calvary looking up at Jesus as He dies on the cross
Present at the tomb to witness Jesus rising from the dead
Looking up into the sky as Jesus ascended into Heaven
Nazareth to hear the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to bear the Son of God
Nazareth to observe Jesus growing up
Bethlehem to be present for the birth of Christ
The Jordan River to witness the Baptism of our Lord
Cana of Galilee to see Jesus turn water into wine
The Sea of Galilee to watch Jesus walk on water
Capharnaum to observe Jesus saying to Peter and Andrew “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Capharnaum to hear Jesus tell everyone that they must eat His Body and Drink His blood in order to have life within them
Tabgha to sit among the crowd as Jesus fed over 5,000 people with just with five loaves and two fish
Mount Tabor to witness the Transfiguration
On the mountain to be present for the Sermon on the Mount
Overlooking the City as Jesus wept over Jerusalem and foretold its destruction
Seated at the table in the upper room for the Last Supper
Present in the Garden of the Gethsemane during Jesus’ agony, betrayal and arrest
Near the fire in the courtyard to hear Peter deny knowing Jesus three times
Walking next to Jesus as He carries His cross
At Calvary looking up at Jesus as He dies on the cross
Present at the tomb to witness Jesus rising from the dead
Looking up into the sky as Jesus ascended into Heaven
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