Love your spouse for who they are not for who you hope they’ll become.
Forgive, Forgive, Forgive
Keep naming calling out of your marriage
Nuture marital intimacy - communicate, never make it a chore
Natural Family Planning - it teaches alot more than child spacing
Pray together, read the Bible together, pray the rosary together
If your spouse does not share your faith -pray, have patience, pray, live your faith, and pray some more. Do not beat your spouse over the head with morality and religion
Treat your spouse as friend - we cut our friends a lot more slack.
Marriage isn’t 50/50 - it’s 100/100. Give 100 percent - always.
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Let little irratations go - all of us have flaws.
Continuely seek marriage improvement - reading, retreats, weekends like Marriage Encounter.
Say I love you often. Create habits such as always saying I love you before walking out the door, going to sleep ect.
Hug, kiss, cuddle, tickle, hold hands, laugh -HAVE FUN TOGETHER.
Address any control issues a.s.a.p - a controlling spouse can suffercate a marriage.
Show love to your spouse in the way they’ll appreciate it not in the way most comfortable for you.
If it is possible have/adopt children. Among many other things they bind you together in a special way and children tend to be a great cure for selfishness.
Do not over focus on the children. They need lots of love and attention but do not neglect your spouse. A healthy marriage is one of the best things you can do for your children.
Do not take your spouse for granted. Remember life is short - you may not get tomorrow to say I love you or apologize.
Make decisions together -always include prayer in decision making.
Live within your means - credit cards/debt very oftens puts a huge strain on marriage.
Encourage each others interests & goals - be supportive
Guard yourself to be chaste within your marriage - pornography is like poison in a marriage. Sexual sins a huge source of pain and scars in a marriage.
Compromise, make sacrafices, and do not let pride get in the way.
Do not belittle your spouse in private or in public.
One of the biggest things in marriage is forgiveness. You married a human being not a saint, and your not a saint either - forgive
and put it in the past.
Pray for your spouse everyday.