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Any tips on how to come out of a general spiritual “depression” (a sort of lethargy, indifference, lack of desire to pray, go to Mass, etc.)?

I would especially appreciate responses from those with similar experiences (preferably with a little silver on the head), and especially those with “success” in making it to the other side (rather than theoretical or book knowledge…as I have plenty of that). Thanks in advance.
I pray that this situation will change for you. We have had several people in our 3rd Order that had similiar periods of dryness. The great Saints had " Dark night of the Soul." They could not pray and felt that God had abandoned them. Have you considered a lay-religious order? Knowing others care about you and pray for you and are available to talk at any time, sometimes helps get you to the other side of the darkness.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony SFO
St. Thérèse of Lisieux, who had her moments of spiritual dryness, wrote these words of encouragement in her poem entitled “My Song of Today”:
My life’s a jot of time, an hour that comes and goes; my life - moment; now - escapes and runs away. To give You while on earth, O God, the love one owes, I’ve got . . . only today!
What do I care, O Lord, that darkness may pervade? Tomorrow - ah, for that I simply cannot pray! . . . Oh, make my heart stay pure, enwrap me in Your shade: this, but just for today.
Tomorrow? Dream of that and wavering I fear - For then I feel a gloom, a boredom, on its way: But trials do I want, O God, and suff’ring here: This I want, for today.
I soon shall fly to You, to praise You, my Desire. When day without an end sheds on my soul its ray, I shall be singing - to the Holy Angels’ lyre - That Eternal “Today.”
my batting slump has lasted for years, but it hasn’t bothered me nearly so much since I read that Mother Teresa made her radical change of direction in her vocation following an intense personal encounter with Christ, in obedience to his wishes as she understood them, and from that time until she died never again had the consolation of hearing his voice or having the emotional reaction of sensing him in prayer. The rest of her life, including her practice of daily holy hours in front of the Eucharist, and weekly confession, she accomplished all that she did in the spiritual condition of aridity.

the other thing I have learned is to differentiate among spiritual laziness and non-motivation, and psychological laziness, orneriness and physical tiredness or illness. Have you ever tried to kick your own b–t? Not easy but it can be done.

Margaret Funk, in Tools Matter and Thoughts Matter, her two books on spiritual direction for the mature Christian, distills the wisdom of the monastic mothers and fathers, and treats the condition of acedie, which you are describing.
Any tips on how to come out of a general spiritual “depression” (a sort of lethargy, indifference, lack of desire to pray, go to Mass, etc.)?

I would especially appreciate responses from those with similar experiences (preferably with a little silver on the head), and especially those with “success” in making it to the other side (rather than theoretical or book knowledge…as I have plenty of that). Thanks in advance.
Hi FelixBlueWhat time frame are you talking? What do you think could be causing this dryness? You have the answer. It just has to be coaxed out of you.
I haven’t had this problem and I am not catholic so it would be hard for you to take any notice of my words.
You also have to ask. If you ask God in Jesus name, the Holy Spirit will answer you, but I dont have a clue who will answer if you ask Mary. Not Christ nor God nor the Holy Spirit. Think about it, the curtain has been ripped and you can go directly to God using Jesus’s name. Why send a messenger? Is this an insult? Christ died for you, made Himself available and you ignore Him and go to Mary. How would you feel? Was His death in vain for you?
Christ be with you
walk in love
You also have to ask. If you ask God in Jesus name, the Holy Spirit will answer you, but I dont have a clue who will answer if you ask Mary. Not Christ nor God nor the Holy Spirit. Think about it, the curtain has been ripped and you can go directly to God using Jesus’s name. Why send a messenger? Is this an insult? Christ died for you, made Himself available and you ignore Him and go to Mary. How would you feel? Was His death in vain for you?
Thanks for our daily dose of anti-catholic Mary bashing. Glad that’s out of the way. :rolleyes:

I can’t find anywhere on this thread where anybody even *alluded * to Mary. Why do some Protestants obsess over this issue and feel compelled to bring it up out of the blue? I think I’ll start a thread with that question.
FelixBlue –

I, too, have gone through periods like this. I think sometimes we rely too much on our emotions, and not enough on our faith. God, grant us more faith!

The only thing that has worked for me is to continue praying and going to Mass anyway. I have a weekly hour of adoration that I have rarely missed except for illness (and then I get a substitute) and I have certain prayers that I say every day. I continue with these even when I “don’t feel like it.”

I have spoken with my pastor about these times. He says that God appreciates our faithfulness and persistance during these times, and our prayers may be more beautiful to Him because we are not spending time with Him for selfish reasons (because it makes us feel good) but are praying because we are faithful to Him.

You never know when the dark cloud will lift. Sometimes it will for a moment; sometimes it takes awhile. With some of the saints, it may never have lifted until they were joined with Jesus in their heavenly home.

Just trust in Jesus. Praying the Divine Mercy chaplet really helps me, especially the final prayer:

Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase your mercy in us so that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence entrust our lives to Your Holy Will which is Love and Mercy itself.

God bless you!
. Think about it, the curtain has been ripped and you can go directly to God using Jesus’s name. Why send a messenger? Is this an insult? Christ died for you, made Himself available and you ignore Him and go to Mary. How would you feel? Was His death in vain for you?
Christ be with you
walk in love
Edwin, man alive! Your answer was not an appropriate response to someone on a Catholic Answers Board. You may not be catholic - but the person asking the question is. Honestly - I sit in complete disbelief of your insensitivity!

FelixBlue, Our Blessed Mother is happy to take your worries, dryness and problems to Her son. That is a mom’s job! Even though your question was not aimed toward Her.

Prayer is not always something you feel like doing. Like exercise - it is necessary, but not always easy. Maybe more like going to work daily. Do you always feel like going to your job? Probably not. But you do out of obligation, integrity and necessity. Apply those same principles to your prayer life. Prayer is every bit as important (more so) as going to work and earning a living.

I have had a hard time focusing on prayer -but I also realize this is the time when I need to persevere in prayer. It is usually the growing period - where our faith, perseverance, and patience is tested.

God has moved a bit away to see how you handle this dryness. He is still there but hidden from your feelings.

I will pray for you. God bless you.
Look at it this way … prior to this period of “dryness”, you felt “something” when you prayed and it felt good. God was giving you spiritual candy so that you would come to Him. He has now removed that candy to see if you will still come to Him purely for Himself.
Continue to be faithful to the things that you know are good and true. I have seen many who, when faced with such spiritual dryness, stop doing the things that are of such great benefit to them. They stop praying, reading the Scriptures, going to church, associating with a strong Christian community, etc., all of which only serves to compound the problem, for then they not only spiritually dry but they are also turning their eyes away from Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
The last few weeks if RCIA I was going to class, but missed several Masses. I just felt too depressed on Sundays to go, though I know it’s a sin. I’ve often heard people throw out the cliche, “If you’re not getting anything out of Mass, maybe you should try putting something into it,” but that hasn’t helped me at all. It tells me nothing.

I’m praying that for my confirmation today I will be granted the grace to finally believe in the Real Presence. I have read all of the reasons for the belief, but have been waiting for months for the belief itself to actually happen.
I suffer from depression. I belive that Depression is not a chemical reaction but a reaction in our spirit, mind and body to the darkness around us. I just deal with it. If I cant sleep, than I play a video game or watch TV. Than goto sleep when I am tired. I still find time to pray. I gained weight with depression though and that in its self is sad. I am loosing weight now. I shun medications and I belive that I feel better Ministering the gospel or being minsterd to or minstering to myself. Why am I expected to feel happy and Joyful that there is drugs and evil lurking in the world. The four horsemen of the apocolypse are among us, war, plague, pestilance and famine. Chernobyl, wormwood has poisend the land and there are not too many wohs left…

But behold, there is hope. It is Jesus and the heavenly host of angels in the horizon. He will overcome Satan and all shall be cast down. Two will be in the field and one will be taken but you will not know the hour. FOr if you did know you surely would wait for him. Be Joyful in your soul for the Lord has come to save us all and he is preparing a place of us in heaven.

Been there / am there. If the dryness is not due to some specific barriers / blocks that God is calling you to address, then you just need to seek out encouragement and inspiration – and hang in there.
Speaking purely from my experience – this is a good time to seek a spiritual director. If not an option, a spiritual friend is helpful. Why? Because it is a time when we need encouragement and reminders that it is normal. Being around someone I could talk to who would gently remind me and encourage me was helpful. Also, having a prayer group or a prayer partner you can pray with once a week or so can be helpful. At times I found reading about a saint, listening to / singing music, finding an inspirational picture and hanging it in a prominent place in my home, etc. helped some but some days everything was just flat and I was left with determination and encouragement of my spiritual director and friends. Try not to worry. Worry/anxiety just make things worse – that’s why encouragement that all is ok is so reassuring.

You are in Fort Worth – if your parish doesn’t have a prayer group and you don’t want to start one yourself, I know there are a couple of good prayer groups at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Keller.
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