I have a close friend who I haven’t hung out with lately due to the fact that in addition to working full time, she also is doing an online masters program. Between the two, she tells me she has very little spare time to hang out. I’ve told her I understand that and I accepted that until she finishes her classes, we wouldn’t be hanging out much. But then I’m noticing that while she claims to have no time to hang out with me, I’m seeing on Instagram that she makes plenty of time to hang out with her boyfriend. I can’t help but get mad that she claims to have no time to have a social life with work and school going on, but yet she always manages to make time for her boyfriend. I understand that romantic relationships take precedence over friendships, but why do people just automatically blow off friendships once they get into relationships? It’s really hurtful. I’ve been single all my life, so maybe since I haven’t experienced all the wonderful highs of being in love that’s why I can’t relate. But in the meantime, I’m tired of being second priority. Should I talk to my friend about this? Or should I just stay quiet and suck it up and accept that this is just how it is when people are in relationships?