Ok, want to get this off my chest. I have wearied being lectured by my network TV shows. Even my old reliable shows commit this offense. Tonight I had DACA shoved in my face; just how I want to relax after a looooong day. Last week it was refugees. One of my old stalwart programs recently pushed euthanasia and assisted suicide, with the catholic character sympathizing with the euthanasiast. I’m just holding my breath for the unfolding of the new program about a character who tries out biblical literalism. It could be interesting, or it could just devolve into a bashfest designed to erode confidence in the Bible. Don’t get me started on the hate found on late night network talk shows; they need their own topic thread. I think at this point the only show to opt out of propagandizing is MacGyver. I recall back in the 1970s there were lots of “issues” episodes of TV; I guess I was hoping they’d stay gone, like shag carpet.