Tired of being lectured by TV shows?

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Ok, want to get this off my chest. I have wearied being lectured by my network TV shows. Even my old reliable shows commit this offense. Tonight I had DACA shoved in my face; just how I want to relax after a looooong day. Last week it was refugees. One of my old stalwart programs recently pushed euthanasia and assisted suicide, with the catholic character sympathizing with the euthanasiast. I’m just holding my breath for the unfolding of the new program about a character who tries out biblical literalism. It could be interesting, or it could just devolve into a bashfest designed to erode confidence in the Bible. Don’t get me started on the hate found on late night network talk shows; they need their own topic thread. I think at this point the only show to opt out of propagandizing is MacGyver. I recall back in the 1970s there were lots of “issues” episodes of TV; I guess I was hoping they’d stay gone, like shag carpet.
I don’t watch shows that lecture me. I set up a favorite list of channels. I literally just watch those - I never go to anything else. I recommend it - it is a pretty broad selection. Actually I get lectured by PBS once in awhile, but I just switch over to Fox the next night to balance it out.
Ah yes, all those “Very Special Episodes” back in the 70s, how could I forget.

I’d suggest just turning off the TV, or finding more action shows like MacGyver.

I pretty much watch only documentaries, with the occasional historical drama thrown in. I can feel pretty confident that a drama set in ancient Rome or the 1800s is not going to be yammering about DACA or gun control or anything ripped from today’s headlines. Remember back in the 1970s when there was also an anti-war message incorporated in just about every program, including Westerns, Civil War dramas, etc.
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Food network, DIY and HGTV, documentaries, “reality” shows on Discovery channel. TCM, Hallmark.
Get a DVD player and buy some old episodes of Happy Days, Mork and Mindy, WKRP in Cincinnati, and a bunch of Mel Brooks movies. Then laugh along with the craziness of simpler and less stressful times.
While i don’t understand why you would be upset about some of the points you made, those points which underline our Christian sensibilities i can sympathize with because i too can get upset when some ignorant artifact of “modern culture” is shoved down my throat. It’s uncomfortable. But to me this is just an inevitable reflection of the changes that are occurring in society on a cultural and ideological level. Different minority views and opinions are getting a voice now through the media.

We have to face the reality that media outlets were not designed to be Christian friendly; it never was, even if it appeared that way at some point. Major Media outlets are designed to make profit and so appealing to different points of view through fictional characters is in their best interests. It makes perfect sense from that point of view. It’s not like most Christians are going to stop watching their favorite Tv show just because a Gay Wedding is getting sympathy from a Christian. Most people don’t care, they just love drama, so ratings are going to stay up no matter what.

We live in a pluralistic society and never has that been more evident than now. It just doesn’t make sense that they would only serve our interests alone. It really isn’t surprising to me in the slightest.

Soon the things you don’t agree with are going to pop up in every show you watch, and turning off the TV is going to be your only respite. .
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Buy DVDs and watch those. If you have cable or satellite, st up your favorite channels and only watch those.
I got rid of TV over 20 years ago and bless the day I did so.
Fill the time you would ordinarily use to watch TV with other activities. You’ll be surprised how easy, and actually pleasant, it is to forego television.

I lived without a TV for five years. They were the most productive and fulfilling years of my life. A television only came back into my life when I got married, but even now (almost sixteen years later) I strongly prefer spending time doing other things rather than watching TV.
I really can’t stand tv adds ,I watch the ABC (Australian) for that reason .Sometimes I’ll take a look at MAS*H
there’s something reassuring and calming about that show.
Usually I just order good dvd’s from the Library for free,they search across the state for me.
I remember watching “Happy Days” with my dad once. Remember all those sequences where the guys are practicing taking a girls bra off? My dad was so disgusted he ripped off one of the TV knobs turning it off.
I remember watching “Happy Days” with my dad once. Remember all those sequences where the guys are practicing taking a girls bra off? My dad was so disgusted he ripped off one of the TV knobs turning it off.
I remember the episode. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Cannot “condemn” your dad for his reaction. As a young man at the time, I remember laughing at the silliness of the situation. So much of the process of figuring out one’s sexuality is fraught with silliness and what can be rightfully viewed as inappropriate behavior. Regardless, to many of us, in retrospect, the craziness was funny. I think that is what the episode was trying to portray; at least IMO.
I believe that episode was before we had TV ratings, which may have helped parents know to avoid allowing their children to watch when the material might not have been age-appropriate. Those ratings were helpful when my children were young, but the ratings these days seem to recommend more mature content than they used to for kids under age 14.
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I used to watch Fox and CNN. now I just turn the TV off after the local news. Peace.
I very rarely watch TV, stopped a couple of years ago. Mainly because of rather loud adds demanding one to buy their goods but also most of the programs where secular in view. There is no need to be chained to the TV (aka gogglebox)
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