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My question is about tithing, Is it a yah or a nay? Coming from a small church in Africa, we have been blessed by moving from a small metalic shack to a befitting structure through the use of our tithe. I know some people will probably say that tithing is of the old testament, but there are evidences in the new testaments as well. For the suffering churches in remote (name removed by moderator)overished parts of the world, these things are essential. So what do you guys think?
I think it’s a personal thing. My husband & I tithe, but we wouldn’t tell anyone that they should do as we do.

I don’t think we can get legalistic about it as everything we “own” really belongs to God. I like this prayer by St. Ignatius of Loyola:

Take, Lord,
and receive all my liberty,
my memory, my understanding
and my entire will.
All I have and call my own.

You have given all to me.
To you, Lord, I return it.

Everything is yours;
do with it what you will.
Give me only your love
and your grace.
That is enough for me.
Tithing is essential to supporting your parish. As an example, we support our food ministry, scholarships for activities for the needy, and other needs for the church.
Catholics are not obliged to tithe but they “are obliged to assist with the material needs of the Church, each according to his own ability.” ( 2043Catechism of the Catholic Church,) For some that means giving more than 10% of their income; for others that means giving less.
I forgot to mention that tithing can also be service to the church, or a combination of both. Sometimes I think we find it harder to give up our time than money but it requires a lot of people to make a church successful.
I like what my brother once said about belonging to a tithing parish. The priest recommended splitting the tithe so that 5% went to the parish and 5% went to a charity of choice, God’s people. The parish did likewise, eliminating the need for second collections. 5% went to the diocese and 5% went to other charitable appeals. This is in keeping with St. Paul’s admonishment not to impoverish yourself.
I had a parish priest who recommended that each parishioner contribute his/her hourly wage. This is approximately 5% of a person’s income. In one of the many charitable appeals that I was receiving in the mail at the time, I received a widow’s mite. I glued the widow’s mite to a beautiful box. Inside the box, I put 10% of my cash. I withdrew from this box accordingly, either for a charitable cause or the amount that I would put in my envelope for Church.
The O.T. obligated tithing. It is true that is not obligated in the N.T. The Acts of the Apostles tells us that the new Christians gave all their belongings to the new community. We are not expected to that either. We give to the Church in terms of time and talent as well as treasure.
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