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Yes, though perhaps not as much as I should. I decide what ministries I am passionate about and give the rest there. I especially favor pro-life issues, but recently pledged to Christian radio.
Do you tithe? give 10% to Church, and or Charity?
Great idea for a poll! Thanks Michael:yup:
Your welcome! I’m just curious, my non Catholic friends always criticize the people in the Catholic church for not tithing. It’s encouraging to see that there are people in the Church who feel this is important.
I read somewhere recently (here on the forums) that Jesus taught “almsgiving” which is basically giving what you can. Does anyone know if this is in the CCC or other Church document?

Hubby and I give what we can when we can.

The Church doesnt hold an official position on this issue. However, they do respect tithing because it is in Mal 3:10.
The Church does not require the faithful to tithe a certain percentage of their income to the Church. What the Church does require is as follows:

Catechism of the Catholic Church 2043

“The fifth precept (“You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church”) means that the faithful are obliged to assist with the material needs of the Church, each according to his own ability.

The faithful also have the duty of providing for the material needs of the Church,** each according to his own abilities**. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2043)

The obligation to tithe (give 10% of one’s gross income) was only ever binding on the Jews. Jesus fulfilled this Old Law (cf. Mt 5:17) so even Jews are no longer bound by it. But this doesn’t mean we’re not obligated to support our Churches – **we are – there is just no longer a specific percentage required.
So, there is no mandatory requirement to give a specific amount of money or percentage of our income. We should each decide for ourselves how much to give and then do so in the true spirit of giving a gift.

The obligation to tithe is from the Old Law as was the prohibition from eating pork and certain other foods. We live in the New Law where such is not required. The Catholic Church does not require Catholics to tithe, but to give what they can afford.

For the entire answers please click on the thread link.


Our Priest said the same, the Church doesnt require it, but that if it were possible for one to do this it would be an honorable thing to do. 2tim 3:16 states all scripture is inspired by God and is good for teaching. Mal 3:10 states that if we give a tithe 10% God will protect our finances from the Devil, and pour down a blessing. I personally do this because if the non Catholics do this with no problem, I as a Catholic feel I should as well. But you are correct in saying it is not a requirement of the Church.
Malachi 3:8-11
It is in verse 10 that the prophet Malachi quotes God as saying, “Try Me now in this.”

I don’t quite tithe, but I also give time as in ZSt Vincent de Paul Society work.

Over the years I have given God time when I was short of money.
Well I’m just getting to a point where I can start tithing money, before though I would volunteer when I could in what capacity I can. That and after relocating I have a job that I have to work on sundays (not any saturday M.B. services in my area 😦 ) I remember when I was in high school and had little money I would run sound for my church as well. The way I see it money is a great way to support ministries but time and expertese are just as important, if not more so.
I give what I can when I can also. I don’t think God will hold it against me. I wish I could give more.
~ Kathy ~
I just voted yes, and realized you were looking for only Catholics’ answers…sorry!

Anyway, I see tithing as an act of discipline and obedience. It took me a couple of years to get to where I tithed correctly…10%. Now, every week after our payday, I write the check to our church. It’s amazing how you never miss that amount every week.
Mal 3:10 states that if we give a tithe 10% God will protect our finances from the Devil, and pour down a blessing.
That is exactly what tithing does! I am the perfect example of that.
Our diocese encourages us to give 5% of our income (net or gross) to our parish, and 1% to the diocese. Any other charity or apostlolate they’d like out of the other 5%.

That said, we try to give what we can when we can. If it’s more than 10%, that’s fine. If it’s less sometimes, well, we gave more before when we had it to give.
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