I wonder if I’m ‘tithing’ enough. I wonder if I can gauge if I’m tithing enough by how wealthy I am. Like I feel like God would sort of provide a barometer of generosity - for instance, (since he will not be outdone in generosity) if my husband and I were able to tithe 10% of our gross pay then perhaps we would receive a windfall as a result and if on the onther hand we were stingy then the Lord would convict us of our stingy ways by allowing trouble to befall us. Although it does say in the Bible that rain and shine will fall evenly on all. What’s your take?
You see this is what prompts me to ask this. I see others who are very generous to the church (I don’t know how much they tithe though) and have 6 kids, etc and are VERY well off. We on the other hand are not well off - well compared to some we are but still not as well of as they are. See we have a 40 yr old house and almost everything in it is 40 yrs old. We just replaced the heater and a/c and next year we have to replace one of the bathrooms and so on and so forth. So we are only able to tithe 3.7% of my husband’s net pay and I tithe 10% of my part-time net pay. And we teach for the church for free. And we are always open to new life but we are childless and I’m not getting younger. So I look at others and wonder - maybe I should be more generous to the church - maybe that’s the way out. We are always saving a little here and a little there. Its hard. I’m sure others do the same. I really don’t think we can tithe 10% of my husbands net pay but in my fantasy world we tithe 10% of our gross pays and we hit the lottery - ha! I do all the finances. I go to the financial planner and squirrel the money away and count it and plan it, etc… so much so that the thought of my husband possibly being laid off caused me to think of jumping out of a window momentarily! Of course I wouldn’t do that - but I wonder if I should just tithe more - take a leap of faith - be imprudent and give more to the church - but what if we cannot pay the mortgage! Any stories along these lines? Thanks.
You see this is what prompts me to ask this. I see others who are very generous to the church (I don’t know how much they tithe though) and have 6 kids, etc and are VERY well off. We on the other hand are not well off - well compared to some we are but still not as well of as they are. See we have a 40 yr old house and almost everything in it is 40 yrs old. We just replaced the heater and a/c and next year we have to replace one of the bathrooms and so on and so forth. So we are only able to tithe 3.7% of my husband’s net pay and I tithe 10% of my part-time net pay. And we teach for the church for free. And we are always open to new life but we are childless and I’m not getting younger. So I look at others and wonder - maybe I should be more generous to the church - maybe that’s the way out. We are always saving a little here and a little there. Its hard. I’m sure others do the same. I really don’t think we can tithe 10% of my husbands net pay but in my fantasy world we tithe 10% of our gross pays and we hit the lottery - ha! I do all the finances. I go to the financial planner and squirrel the money away and count it and plan it, etc… so much so that the thought of my husband possibly being laid off caused me to think of jumping out of a window momentarily! Of course I wouldn’t do that - but I wonder if I should just tithe more - take a leap of faith - be imprudent and give more to the church - but what if we cannot pay the mortgage! Any stories along these lines? Thanks.