To Be a Theologian or Pastoral

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Hey everyone,

I’m young, 20 years old, and lately I have been struggling with the relationship between Truth and what it means to be pastoral.

Do you have any documents I should take a look at? Any advice?

For example, I listened to an audio CD by Dr. James Healy, head of the Center for Family Ministry in the Diocese of Juliet, called “When the Cake Is Gone: How to get married and stay engaged.”

In it, he referred to “getting married six times to the same woman.” Theologically, this is ridiculous… but from a pastoral point of view, is this acceptable?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to check out your local Catholic college for books on pastoral theology and moral theology. They should have good resources in that area.
The way I see it, theology is the study of God and His relationship with us. It’s concerned with understanding reigious truth.

“Pastoral” refers to shepherding – or guiding and taking care of someone in the flock. It’s living out the truth – or helping someone to live out the truth, with loving commitment.

Knowledge of the faith is important, but it’s noise without love. See St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, chapter 13.

Just some thoughts.
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