What’s the greater sin? To remain with my partner and continue to be a Catholic? Or to say “screw it” and leave God and faith, religion behind forever?
I would not despair. There is still another option – your dilemma is a false one. You can reject both options, turn to God and repent. If He is who He said He is, why not accept what He has said?…I explained I was sympathetic to Christianity but I’m not quite there – and [Jan] said, “Pete, if you don’t think you can give absolutely everything to Jesus, don’t become a Christian. Don’t do it.” That really shook me. I thought that all Christians would just want to beg people to come and join us. “No please, come on! Come on!” And she actually said, “No, if you can’t commit to it, don’t do it.” That really gave me pause for thought really. That was when I realized this running away was silly, and the arguments don’t work.
Read more: reasonablefaith.org/confessions-of-a-former-atheist#ixzz46RNoOlwQ
But there is hope for both of us! We are not perfect, but we can still turn away from the attitude I told you of. We can still turn towards God (towards the Good) and ask for repentance. Your heart still beats. There is time. There is *always *A Choice (though not the one you have given here).“The sensualist, I’ll allow ye, begins by pursuing a real pleasure, though a small one. His sin is the less. But the time comes on when, though the pleasure becomes less and less and the craving fiercer and fiercer, and though he knows that joy can never come that way, yet he prefers to joy the more fondling of unappeasable lust and would not have it taken from him. He’d fight to the death to keep it. He’d like well to be able to scratch; but even when he can scratch no more he’d rather itch than not.”
You cannot claim to be Catholic and lead a homosexual life at the same time;What’s the greater sin? To remain with my partner and continue to be a Catholic? Or to say “screw it” and leave God and faith, religion behind forever?
The greater sin is to remain with your partner. If you were a good Catholic you would know this is wrong and that it offends God. Unless you confess and give up this sinful life you are saying “screw it” anyway and you are not really being a Catholic or a Christian, because you are not taking your religion seriouslyWhat’s the greater sin? To remain with my partner and continue to be a Catholic? Or to say “screw it” and leave God and faith, religion behind forever?
You’re only one step away from the latter. If you’re actually engaging in sodomy, and receiving communion, that is indeed a very grave sin. Your partner is an idol, in this case, and you’re going to have to ask God to help you to do His Will, which is perfect for you.What’s the greater sin? To remain with my partner and continue to be a Catholic? Or to say “screw it” and leave God and faith, religion behind forever?
What’s the greater sin? To continue using birth control and continue to be a Catholic? Or to say “screw it” and leave God and faith, religion behind forever?What’s the greater sin? To remain with my partner and continue to be a Catholic? Or to say “screw it” and leave God and faith, religion behind forever?
Giving oneself permission to do something sinful IS leaving God behind. Anytime one knowingly commits sin, that is effectively what they’re doing. It is important to stay with the Church because through prayer and being in the presence if the Eucharist, one can get the strength to over come one’s sin.
Jesus Christ and His Church are One and the Same. Sin separates you from God so in effect wouldn’t it be ‘leaving the Church’ either way?I’m saddened by all these replies telling you that there’s no difference, or that what you are doing is so bad that you have already left the Church, or might as well.
We all sin. If it’s a mortal sin then we don’t receive communion, but still turn up. Many of us are tempted at some point to leave the Church for the sake our sin.
We keep praying and keep trusting that God’s love is greater than our sin.
We make the most of the graces we receive, and beg for more.
We don’t judge others.
Many blessings on you!
Never give up. :dts: