I have a problem and I’m hoping you kind people can help me sort through it. I am not Catholic, but I’m beginning religious education soon and I want to have a clean conscience.
My FIL has a long term GF (he’s been divorced from my MIL for about 20 years now) who I had a falling out with almost a year and a half ago. She overstepped her bounds with my ODD, when confronted about it denied it and has been denying it ever since (I was there and I know what happened). I have forgiven her for it, but I have absolutely no desire to be reconciled to her. She and I see each other only very rarely and we are polite to each other, but I have no desire to expose my DDs to a woman who is still lying about an event that I was there for…how could I trust her to tell the truth about what happens when I’m not around? Part of my Prot upbringing – not the teaching of the UMC, but what I was taught that “God wants” – is to forgive and forget and be reconciled no matter what the other person has done and to continue reconciling no matter what, based on the 7X70 passage in the Bible. But can God really want me to set myself and my family up to be hurt again by this woman? There is more to the story but I don’t believe that she has changed and also she has never sought forgiveness from me. Any thoughts?
My FIL has a long term GF (he’s been divorced from my MIL for about 20 years now) who I had a falling out with almost a year and a half ago. She overstepped her bounds with my ODD, when confronted about it denied it and has been denying it ever since (I was there and I know what happened). I have forgiven her for it, but I have absolutely no desire to be reconciled to her. She and I see each other only very rarely and we are polite to each other, but I have no desire to expose my DDs to a woman who is still lying about an event that I was there for…how could I trust her to tell the truth about what happens when I’m not around? Part of my Prot upbringing – not the teaching of the UMC, but what I was taught that “God wants” – is to forgive and forget and be reconciled no matter what the other person has done and to continue reconciling no matter what, based on the 7X70 passage in the Bible. But can God really want me to set myself and my family up to be hurt again by this woman? There is more to the story but I don’t believe that she has changed and also she has never sought forgiveness from me. Any thoughts?