To Catholic converts: What's your favorite apologetics book?

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For me, the book is “Salvation Controversy” by James Akin which is the one that prompted me to get into research on many topics and drew me into Catholic Church.

James Akins is really familiar with both Protestant’s and Catholic’s languages and are able to define their differences.
I would have to say for specifically Catholicism, Mr. Keating’s Catholicism and Fundamentalism. For General Christianity, Kreeft & Tacelli’s Handbookd of Christian Apologetics.
I am not a convert but wanted to recommend my favorite apologetics book. “The Catholic Controversy” by St. Francis de Sales, put out by Tan Books.
I am not “really” a convert…because I was born into a Catholic home, but I have had a ongoing conversion because my parents are adimit Sunday Catholics, who believe in little more than Mass on Sunday and being good…

…anyway my favorite Apologetics book is CATHOLIC APOLOGETICS by Fr. John Laux, M.A. its really facinating despite the endless facts and small type. Its published by TAN its made for Highschoolers and its in the 5-10 dollar range
I have not read many, but of the ones I have read, I’d say my favorite is:

Where We Got the Bible… Our Debt to the Catholic Church

I was never told growing up the role the Catholic Church played in the formation of the New Testament (and in the preservation of the Old Testament for that matter).
Born Fundamentalist Born Again Catholic by David Currie is my #1, but a very close second is Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn.
I would have to second Rome Sweet Home from above. Like another poster above, I’m not technically a convert since I’ve always been Catholic since I’ve been anything at all, though.

Anyway, RSH is important because Scott and Kimberly Hahn provide a look at the emotional side of conversion. It’s not strictly about the apologetics, and I like that; we’ve got a lot of apologetical works floating around.
Jeff Cavins (sp?) My Life On The Rock. Loved it that he was Catholic - got saved - turned to the Protestant chruch and then returned to the Catholic Chruch. I can relate to so many of his experiences and maybe I’m not so smart but many other apologetic books go right over my head. Jeff’s book was a true testimony. Read it if you haven’t! The other book that made me think Hmmm… maybe there is somehting to this Catholic thing was a book about Mejagory (I have no idea how that’s spelled) That was a very powerful book for me.
I have the first two “Surpised by Truth” books, “Rome Sweet Home,” and “Catholicism and Fundmentalism.” I like all of them. 👍
Echo Tanais: Kreeft & Tacelli do a fine job in Handbook of Christian Apologetics.
To be honest, I did more online reading and discussing than reading of books…but I would highly recommend A Biblical Defence of Catholicism by Dave Armstrong and Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn.
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