To commune or not to commune, that is the question

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I’ve jumped in over my head.
Let me explain.
I was baptized catholic, raised Lutheran, but am feeling incredab;y drawn to the Catholic Church. While I was raised Lutheran, my father (who is Cathlic) has schooled me in Catholic ways, taking me to mass when I was younger and explaining things to me. I attended a Cathloic high school and have a deep rooted love and devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrement and to Mary. There is something about Mass that complelty staterates me, fills me to overflowing so that I drip with Love. All I need do is step into the sanctuary and I am overwhelmed with peace and love and a sense of “I’m finally home.” I have been struggleing with becoming Cathlolic for some time now, and while I have been told by the rest of my family, that if I even consider becoming Catholic, they will not be able to talk to me, feeling that I cannot relate to them any longer, I will go and do whatever the Lord wishes me to go and do as I have dedicated my life to Him. There are times that I need to pull myself away from the adoring Christ, so that I do not miss appointments. I wish I never had to leave the sancutary!
I have told my situation to different priests, and some of them have smiled and nodded and opened their arms to me and said “welcome home child!”, others have frowned at me and told me that it is a sin and that I need to go to confession immediatly.
I mean, I love God. He is the root of my being, and when I refrain from Communion, it physically pains me. I often find myself crying, seeing that my God has left Heaven to come down and meet me in the Blessed Host, and I, who want nothing more than to run to Him and embrace Him, must hold back and watch my Beloved from afar. What pain in my soul!
I always respect the wishes of the presiding priest, and if he is uncomfortable with giving me Jesus, then I refrain, but is it wrong for me to embrace my God and King even though I am not confirmed Catholic, but am baptized Catholic and have been taught and believe with my whole heart, the teachings of the Church?

Thank you for your time and suggestions
I love your description of how Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament means a lot to you.

I’m not sure how to answer all of your questions, though. People who were raised Catholic only the first part of the way through their childhood may indeed receive the Eucharist before they receive the sacrament of confirmation. Children have quite a gap between their first communion and their confimation in the Latin rite 😃 But if you have been involved in mortal sin since you were baptized or since your last good confession, you would be obliged to go to confession before you receive the Eucharist.

I can’t tell from your post if you had your first communion or first reconcilliation yet. A priest could best sort out what you need to do to become confirmed, but you are already “Catholic” from your baptism, and it is more that you would be considered to be returning home.

But if you don’t wish to be Catholic yet, I don’t know, I guess I wouldn’t go to communion until I was ready to identify myself as one, if it were me. And I would go to confession first, to lay any burdens behind me.
you don’t say how old you are, are you still living at home under your parent’s authority? If so you must respect them. No doubt there is a reason behind such feelings about the Catholic Church which they may not be able to express to you, Pray for them. If you are an adult you have a decision to make, truth or family, sad, wrenching it will undoubtedly be, but I think you already know the answer. See a priest about what steps to take to prepare for first holy communion and confirmation. Meanwhile continue to bring all your concerns before Him, you who are heavily burdened.
You are quite fervent in your love for Our Lord–this is magnificent, friend! However, see a priest immediately and tell him all you have told us here, all of it. Wait on receiving Communion until you receive direct permission and/or instruction from your priest; Confession is definitely in order. Do exactly what your priest says to do–it is worth it! For then you will be able to receive Holy Communion without any question in your conscience. God bless!
Communion is not just a personal thing, an act that is between a person and Christ. It is also a community thing. In addition to being the real presence of Jesus Christ, the Eucharist is a symbol of our union with Jesus and our union with the people of God, the Church. As such, when you receive communion, your own disposition ought to reflect that. But, since you are either unwilling or incapable of entering into full communion with the Catholic Church, your reception of communion in the Catholic Church is not a truthful one. As well, the Catholic Church explicitly restricts Communion to those who are formal members of the Church. If for no other reason, you ought not to receive communion out of respect for the beliefs of the Church and for the sake of your own honesty.
I would like to thank you all for your thoughts and insights- they have helped me greatly!
Thank you once again!!
God Bless,
Welcome little brother! As you must know you must go to confession to a Priest if there has been any mortal sin before you take Communion. You do not have to be Confirmed in order to recieve Communion. You do not!

I would tell you to,
  1. Obtain a certificate of your Baptism, have it in your hand.
  2. Then call the Parish office to make plans for Confirmation. This may take the better part of a year for the Bishop to pay a Confirmation visit to your church. Seek out other churches. Maybe ask a Catholic school if you can be confirmed when they have confirmation. They always have 5 or 6 adults for confirmation. I was confirmed at age 32!
  3. Get confirmed. Your soul will then have the special graces of the Holy Spirit.
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