When around friends who have fallen away from their faith (Catholic or Protestant) and into Modernism, I find myself desiring to plant seeds. Usually it just ends up being little things that I do that just fit into the conversation (ie. offering up my day to the Lord) and nothing especially profound. I have heard many times at conferences and talks that we, as Catholics, need to be inviting people to mass with us. But our culture is so entertainment oriented that the value of something is based on the pleasure it elicits. . .we’ve all heard it (or said it ourselves) “mass is boring.”
So my question is, how does one determine when the time is ripe to invite a person to mass? And how does one respond if they comment that it was boring? Is it just something that one waits for the Holy Spirit to “move you” to do? Just wanted to throw that one out there
So my question is, how does one determine when the time is ripe to invite a person to mass? And how does one respond if they comment that it was boring? Is it just something that one waits for the Holy Spirit to “move you” to do? Just wanted to throw that one out there