My ex-husband’s parents are very close to my husband and myself. They are loving grandparents to all four children (one is theirs biologically). “Mom” attends school mass when the children participate in mass, but she and her husband attend a non-denominational church. She has mentioned several times that the church they attend is not anti-any religion. She was raised Baptist, he was raised Catholic. She loans me Protestant books (not anti-Catholic) such as The Purpose Driven Life and Cracking the DaVinci Code. Although I see no signs that she is on a journey home, would it be advisable to buy Catholicism and Fundementalism by Karl Keating, read it myself and then loan it to her? My biological mother and father are very far from a religious life and I believe God provided this couple as a surrogate for my husband, my children and myself. I just want them to come home to the church so badly. Any thoughts?