Please Respond to this quickly. I’m going to have to send emails to my debate team coach and others in the morning.
So, I’m on the debate team, and I felt called to share the gospel by the Holy Spirit. That’s been a daunting task, one that i think the devil tried to make me too nervous to do. But, it was also daunting bc my debate team is VERY liberal, with the vast majority of speeches having obscenities in them… my friend on the team had his family come to watch 4 or 5 different speeches once, and every one of them was VERY inappropriate for his mother and younger sister to hear.
Anyways, this thread forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=594811 from the beginning of this month gives y’all all the background you could want. In it, I claimed this:
Semper Zelare:
Today, I felt that the Holy Spirit spoke to me through a random conversation with some strangers (that I don’t want to be too detailed about). Anyways, the ultimate conclusion they told me 3 or 4 different ways was:
-You need to let people arrive at their own conclusions, not lead them to your conclusion.
-Your tone is everything. Don’t be too overbearing, you can make yourself seem as likeable as you want.
-Perception is reality. People can walk away with many different conclusions about something, but if they perceive you as nice, and can relate with you, they’ll be more likely to agree with what you’re saying.
-Show people that you’re human. Do things to build a relationship so that they know who you are, then you can share the gospel.
[They were both Christians as well]
In light of this I have two choices:
So, I’m on the debate team, and I felt called to share the gospel by the Holy Spirit. That’s been a daunting task, one that i think the devil tried to make me too nervous to do. But, it was also daunting bc my debate team is VERY liberal, with the vast majority of speeches having obscenities in them… my friend on the team had his family come to watch 4 or 5 different speeches once, and every one of them was VERY inappropriate for his mother and younger sister to hear.
Anyways, this thread forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=594811 from the beginning of this month gives y’all all the background you could want. In it, I claimed this:
Semper Zelare:
Now, it seems I may have to eath those words. I may not be able to preach the “straight up Gospel”… or even allowed to “preach” my beliefs. My coach and a grad student both basically told me that I should limit any religious speeches to a specific event which is basically a comedy stand up act. There’s a lot of laughs and a lot of humor. They say people will be more open in this setting. The problem is that I didn’t want to make any jokes. I wanted to preach about Christ until I cried, and showed them the love of Christ through the intensity of my devotion to Him.People cannot be moral or good without Jesus Christ. And, there’s simply no way I’m not going to preach the straight up Gospel of Jesus Christ, when there are other people on my team preaching heresy about Christ. They’re quoting the Bible, then teaching versions of heresy like women ordination… I watched a whole 9 minute speech on a video that was about why Paul shouldn’t have said women shouldn’t preach. And how the Bible actually shows women should preach.
Today, I felt that the Holy Spirit spoke to me through a random conversation with some strangers (that I don’t want to be too detailed about). Anyways, the ultimate conclusion they told me 3 or 4 different ways was:
-You need to let people arrive at their own conclusions, not lead them to your conclusion.
-Your tone is everything. Don’t be too overbearing, you can make yourself seem as likeable as you want.
-Perception is reality. People can walk away with many different conclusions about something, but if they perceive you as nice, and can relate with you, they’ll be more likely to agree with what you’re saying.
-Show people that you’re human. Do things to build a relationship so that they know who you are, then you can share the gospel.
[They were both Christians as well]
In light of this I have two choices:
- I continue to be persistent with my coaches that I want to preach the Gospel for the glory of God. And basically come across with the attitude of: You said I could speak about whatever I wanted to, as long as it wasn’t over done (this I’m sure has never been done), you said I could speak about what I was passionate about with no limits by political correction. So, I want to preach the Gospel. And if it offends people, that’s not my prerogative. My only goal is to give glory to God, and to please God. And, if that makes enemies out of everyone that hears the Gospel… God is glorified because people heard the Gospel and rejected Him. That result gives Him as much glory as converting people does. So, my objective is accomplished giving God the glory.
- Did I hear the Holy Spirit today, telling me to relate to people. And ultimately speak about things which are worldly issues. Politics, how people live their lives, current events, news that isn’t particularly about religious things but all the other news. And relate to people, so that I will then be able later to share my faith with them. My concern about this is Biblical:
[BIBLEDRB]Matthew 12:36[/BIBLEDRB]
Will these words be idle?