Dear Reformed Rob,
My daughter, a freshman in high school who is a consistent winner in “religion bowl” contests, was telling me the other day that my arguments on this forum would be stronger if I actually knew what I was talking about, such as what the various councils actually taught. I asked her about the magisterium and she confirmed that the three “pillars of faith” of “pillars of truth” or whatever she called it, are Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium, as martino said.
To your original question, I personally place a very high value on logic, and I find that protestants are usually somewhat responsive to arguments they believe are based on scripture and logic. There are some caveats; for example, one has to be open minded to possible alternative explanations to the meanings of certain “truth statements,” and one has to be very careful to state what axioms one is working from. The axioms themselves are premises which, if false, can cause a good logical argument to reach an invalid conclusion, as you have stated above. Also known as garbage in, garbage out.
Reformed Rob:
This question comes mainly from the Logic course that a friend and I have been going through. Of course, we should understand that for our reasoning to be valid, we must reach God’s conclusions.
This is true, if you also make the assumption that you are using God’s premises (or axioms). If you are starting with false premises, then you can conclude anything and your logic may have been perfectly valid, or faulty.
Also, if you presume God is logical, and that you know what “God’s conclusions” are, then you probably also presume to know what His premises are. The problem with that is, at least when it comes to arguing with a Protestant, is that they may not agree with the premises any more than your conclusions, so any attempt at logical derivation is invalid.
Part of the Reformed “Trancendental Argument for the Existence of God” is that Logic is not an empirically proven or experienced thing. However, if we cease to be logical in our thinking and speech, then where will we end up? We will be totally ridiculous. But would we even realize it? …
I say - In God’s infinite wisdom, God has given to man the ability to think consistently, and we do so on a Christian worldview, one that recognizes that God has “set in place” as it were, staunch rules (ie. logic) that are necessary for all men to follow in order to be clear and consistent. Of course, our ability to think clearly is exceedingly marred by sin.
You are right. If we abandon all logical structures in a mathematical sense, then it is a small step to say that grammar and semantics similarly have no meaning and no effective communication at all is possible. Here is an excerpt from the book “My Search for Absolutes” by Paul Tillich:
Paul Tillich:
A second example in which the separation of subject and object is overcome is not material but formal. It is the logical and semantic structure of the mind, … and presupposed in every methodologically disciplined language. This logical and semantic structure is the other absolute in our experience, but again, to avoid confusion, let us observe that it is not a logical or semantic theory which is absolute. There are many such theories. What is absolute is the underlying structure that makes any theory about it possible. Whoever gives a new theory of logic or semantics uses logic or semantics in order to do this. He presupposes that about which he wants to give a theory. It is the structure of the mind that enables any theory, even one about the structure of the mind, to do what it attempts to do. This same absolute is presupposed in every argument for relativism. He who speaks for relativism presupposes the validity of logic in argument; therefore the consistent relativist cannot argue but can only shake his head.