- Why is the ‘face’ in the moon upsidedown/sideways in Australia compared with USA?
- Why is Orion’s Belt upsidedown in Australia compared with USA.
- Why, and this is a biggie, when I am in USA , walking North, my entire being thinks it is walking South? Thank the Lord for the humble Compass.
- Another Biggie, why , if I put a bucket of water on the North side of the Equator, and a bucket of water on the South side of the Equator,
stir both simultaneously in a clockwise direction, one bucket of water will , of its own accord, start convecting anti clockwise? Bonus points for identifying which bucket does which. - Cyclones and Hurricanes, again bonus points for identifying a few things about them. Why do they spin in the opposite direction depending on which side of that pesky Equator they are on?
- Are there really Satellites and Space stations orbiting Earth? Do they really send back images?
- Is the Hubble Space Telescope really rocketing through space, sending back images?