Today I was given a grace by Our Lord as I walked pass a begger on my way to Church

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As I went to mass this morning I walked pass a money begger as usual.
He sits outside the church every Sunday at 11 am when people rushes to mass in hope to get a nicel or two tossed his way.
Usually I feel bothered and like a bad person when passing by without giving him any money, back in October I asked Our Priest what to do and he said it was ok not to give, but I feel terrible walking pass looking another way regardless.

As mentioned, this occurred today as it does every week.
As I walked pass him today, he asked me for money and I answered Im sorry, but I can’t.
Without even thinking about it, I blessed him as I walked by him.
I simply said, God Bless you and marked the sign of the cross towards him.
He is a gipsy so I couldn’t understand what he said to me but he started to talk louder and looked at me with a peaceful expression in his eyes.

It felt so good and meaningful to be able to give him so little, but yet so much.
It really ment a lot to him, maybe it was even more appreciated than a nickel would’ve been.

It was very inspiring to see how much of an impact a single blessing can make.
This makes me want to remember the importance of Blessings.

So I like to thank God for this Grace I’ve received and that he helps me remember to keep praying for people and give them blessings.

So everybody, my advise is to show the world the goodness of Christ.
With trying to follow our Lord everyday.
  • Yours in Mary and Christ
I think that you should have given him the “nickel”,especially if you have never done so
before. Jesus tells us, to give to those who ask . OK, when one has given  already ,and
one supects that it is going to drugs or drink etc . I do not agree with your priest ,who
has no doubt never known a real days hunger in his life ,as a priest .

In the Church ,beware of Pharisees, they are the only people Jesus hated  . Better look

to pope Francis for guidance ,if you wish to get good advice.
I think that you should have given him the “nickel”,especially if you have never done so
before. Jesus tells us, to give to those who ask . OK, when one has given  already ,and
one supects that it is going to drugs or drink etc . I do not agree with your priest ,who
has no doubt never known a real days hunger in his life ,as a priest .

In the Church ,beware of Pharisees, they are the only people Jesus hated  . Better look

to pope Francis for guidance ,if you wish to get good advice.
Dear Entree Gratuite. First of all, thanks for your response:)
Secondly, I do support your way of thinking but maybe I should’ve expressed myself a bit clearer.
The people I’m talking about is immigrants, they move to our country only to beg money.
I know and understand that they are in great need and distress, but the problem is that is 2-3 beggars for every street, first of all I simply can’t support each one of them.
Secondly I prefer to donate to local sup stations and charity organisations.

Our priest has had big troubles on this particular matter in his native country where people got mugged or cursed at regardless of them giving or not so I know pretty well what he talks about.

Thanks again for your reply, Im glad to hear about your generosity towards those who are in need:)
May God be with you everywhere you go.
  • Peace in Mary and Christ
When I hand a beggar money I look at them and say God Bless you. If you do not see Jesus in everyone is Jesus really in your heart?
St. Martin of Tours - his conversion to Christ began when he saw a freezing beggar and gave him half his cloak and later found he’d given it to Christ!

Oh if only you’d see Him in your beggar friend.

I used to go to downtown Philly to a particular Church and all around the whole area were many who sat and begged. I feared them at first having been brainwashed into believing all beggars were bad and would rob you if approached etc. But I knew as a Christian I was called to get around this. It is part of our calling to do so.

I started giving a buck here and there and noticed a difference. I began to look forward to seeing them when I would come and go. I couldn’t give something to each and every one, but each time I went I made sure I had a buck or two or some rosaries or a prayer card to give. Sometimes I’d go to the Mickey D’s around the corner and buy lunch for them. It was some times more important to me to do that kind of giving then it was to put a buck in the box for the upkeep of the Adoration Chapel I was visiting there. It always lifted my heart to do so and I don’t know how to get that little lift than to give that way. Alms deeds cover a multitude of sins. Perhaps I met Christ somewhere along that way.

Over the few years I did this each week I got to know a few of the beggars. One in particular whose name was Robert. He had to under go amputation so I missed him for a while but he was back after his leg got shorter. I liked giving them what little love I had and knew as I went into the Adoration Chapel to pray for them I was helping them. I never went downtown to do this. It simply happened. I went to go to an art store there for supplies and because the Adoration Chapel was handy in my journey to and from Philly I stopped in. It turned into much, much more than a simple trip to get some art supplies at my art store in Philly. I learned a great deal from them and got much more out of it then they did, I’m sure.

When I hand a beggar money I look at them and say God Bless you. If you do not see Jesus in everyone is Jesus really in your heart?
Yah shall not judge others? Fitting maybe?!
I feel you’re a bit to fast to judge me and my state of grace based on the limited information I’ve given in this thread.

It’s good to hear how kind and nice you are to others, remember that pride isn’t recommended either.
St. Martin of Tours - his conversion to Christ began when he saw a freezing beggar and gave him half his cloak and later found he’d given it to Christ!

Oh if only you’d see Him in your beggar friend.

I used to go to downtown Philly to a particular Church and all around the whole area were many who sat and begged. I feared them at first having been brainwashed into believing all beggars were bad and would rob you if approached etc. But I knew as a Christian I was called to get around this. It is part of our calling to do so.

I started giving a buck here and there and noticed a difference. I began to look forward to seeing them when I would come and go. I couldn’t give something to each and every one, but each time I went I made sure I had a buck or two or some rosaries or a prayer card to give. Sometimes I’d go to the Mickey D’s around the corner and buy lunch for them. It was some times more important to me to do that kind of giving then it was to put a buck in the box for the upkeep of the Adoration Chapel I was visiting there. It always lifted my heart to do so and I don’t know how to get that little lift than to give that way. Alms deeds cover a multitude of sins. Perhaps I met Christ somewhere along that way.

Over the few years I did this each week I got to know a few of the beggars. One in particular whose name was Robert. He had to under go amputation so I missed him for a while but he was back after his leg got shorter. I liked giving them what little love I had and knew as I went into the Adoration Chapel to pray for them I was helping them. I never went downtown to do this. It simply happened. I went to go to an art store there for supplies and because the Adoration Chapel was handy in my journey to and from Philly I stopped in. It turned into much, much more than a simple trip to get some art supplies at my art store in Philly. I learned a great deal from them and got much more out of it then they did, I’m sure.

Glenda, thanks for sharing:)
You and your story are inspirational to me.
I’m actually below the powerty limit in my country myself so Im unfortunately unable to help those in need:(
But I will continue to bless them as often as I can and I love how you give them Rosaries, I have bought in a lot of Rosaries to give away and I will start to give them to beggars and people in need.

God Bless you Glenda and thanks again for sharing:)
  • Peace in Mary and Christ
As I went to mass this morning I walked pass a money begger as usual.
He sits outside the church every Sunday at 11 am when people rushes to mass in hope to get a nicel or two tossed his way.
Usually I feel bothered and like a bad person when passing by without giving him any money, back in October I asked Our Priest what to do and he said it was ok not to give, but I feel terrible walking pass looking another way regardless.

As mentioned, this occurred today as it does every week.
As I walked pass him today, he asked me for money and I answered Im sorry, but I can’t.
Without even thinking about it, I blessed him as I walked by him.
I simply said, God Bless you and marked the sign of the cross towards him.
He is a gipsy so I couldn’t understand what he said to me but he started to talk louder and looked at me with a peaceful expression in his eyes.

It felt so good and meaningful to be able to give him so little, but yet so much.
It really ment a lot to him, maybe it was even more appreciated than a nickel would’ve been.

It was very inspiring to see how much of an impact a single blessing can make.
This makes me want to remember the importance of Blessings.

So I like to thank God for this Grace I’ve received and that he helps me remember to keep praying for people and give them blessings.

So everybody, my advise is to show the world the goodness of Christ.
With trying to follow our Lord everyday.
  • Yours in Mary and Christ
Yes ,I think we don’t always have the time to explain well enough,but maybe a little
prayer would be better than “a blessing”
I thought you had to be a priest ,or Christ, to do that ? We sometimes forget nowadays,
that many people who do not beg ,are on the breadline,trying not to despair,but are made are made to feel guilty;
So do not feel guilty,and just be kind, as you are. Making people feel worthy,with a smile,and a word, is a gift in itself .

Yours in Christ, Theresa
Yes ,I think we don’t always have the time to explain well enough,but maybe a little
prayer would be better than “a blessing”
I thought you had to be a priest ,or Christ, to do that ? We sometimes forget nowadays,
that many people who do not beg ,are on the breadline,trying not to despair,but are made are made to feel guilty;
So do not feel guilty,and just be kind, as you are. Making people feel worthy,with a smile,and a word, is a gift in itself .

Yours in Christ, Theresa
Thanks for your reply Theresa:)
CCC 1669 states that every baptized lay person a called to be a blessing and to bless.
I think the one thing I made wrong was to make the sign of the cross.
That’s exclusively ment for priests and bishops so I should have kept my hands folded instead.
But on the other side I don’t think he would have understood any of it if I hadn’t made the sign of the cross.
I don’t know to be honest, but the way that I see it it can’t be to wrong can it?
I mean he lighted up and it was a few magical seconds between us.
We where one in Christ all our differences was gone.

Next Sunday I will bring a Rosary with me to give him:)

Yours in Mary and Christ
  • MarianCatholic
Thanks for your reply Theresa:)
CCC 1669 states that every baptized lay person a called to be a blessing and to bless.
I think the one thing I made wrong was to make the sign of the cross.
That’s exclusively ment for priests and bishops so I should have kept my hands folded instead.
But on the other side I don’t think he would have understood any of it if I hadn’t made the sign of the cross.
I don’t know to be honest, but the way that I see it it can’t be to wrong can it?
I mean he lighted up and it was a few magical seconds between us.
We where one in Christ all our differences was gone.

Next Sunday I will bring a Rosary with me to give him:)

I understand now, entirely . No you did it with love and he recognised that ,and in those circumstances it was rather a clever thing to do. Sign language.🙂
As for begging,it has become a real problem because of the deilberate movements of
people from country to country in europe to destabalise nations so that “big business” and their friends can control the internal politics,destroy families ,and basic values built up for so long in europe . They know that love of community ,shared creative history makes people strong,strong enough to fight against the biggest tyrannyl,ike the british empire ,in Ireland,India and Vietnam . The power of shared loving communities is so strong that it can resist the greatest war machines . Jesus knew this, and that is why
His final word was to love God and your neighour . Many people who flee their country
unless their is war or famine,leave behind their duty to their family . IN europe now, too many people take no responsibility for others and live their whole lives
without ever working ,for charity,and free food is eveywhere .
I send my money to Africa etc, where people have a need for the most basic things like
sanitation clean water,and tools etc . In the west including the “poor” t ,well it is relative, and I now only give to the young on the streets ;

is rs in Mary and Christ
  • MarianCatholic
Depending on where you are the answer may vary…here in the USA and other developed countries if someone came and asked for money for food…then yes we are commanded by our savior to give to those in need…not to judge…but if that person was at the same place begging everytime you passed by…then I think the appropriate thing to do would be to direct them to one of many charities or government agencies that help those in need…in fact if they are just relying on peoples good faith to give continuously then it could become a sin for them…that is why pointing them in the right direction for help would be favorable…but only after maybe once or twice of actually giving as we are commanded…it may be different for those who live in countries where there are no charitable organizations…no government support…then we may be compelled to give if we have something to give…even if we may think they are preying on our good faith…again…we are not to judge…and they may have nowhere else to turn…and yes it is a good thing to give them a blessing and even to pray for them…but that should never be the first act of a Christian…it’s no good telling a starving person that you are not going to give them anything for food but you will give them a blessing in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
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