We have three girls ages 6, 4 and 1 and I usually attend Mass alone with them. It can sometimes get to be a bit like a wrestling match, but struggles aside, I think it is harder for them to get into the habit of sitting still and listening by not bringing them on a regular basis.
I do make use of various coping techniques however. My 1-year-old is walking and sometimes a bit fidgety. I do sometimes leave her at home with my husband. Sometimes she is in the middle of a nap too and I leave her at home rather than always bring her. I have heard many parents say they attend different Masses so that one can stay home with the little ones and the other attend and then switch.
I also have used the nursery occasionally for my older daughters when they were 2 and 3 years old. Since we are converts, the novelty of playing with the kneelers and such took a time to wear off and some Sundays it was just a bit much to deal with. I think it is important to admit that sometimes we are weak and not able to adequately handle all the monkey business our children get in to. Using the nursery or leaving them at home occasionally isn’t going to ruin them for life, nor will it cause the destruction of your family.
I do understand the idea of attending Mass together as a couple and as a family to strengthen the family bonds and receive those graces together, but it isn’t meant to be an all-or-nothing proposition. I remember reading St. Therese’s “Story of a Soul” in which she described being left at home with a maid or nurse while her parents and older siblings went to Mass until she was old enough to behave. (Presumably the nurse went to Mass earlier or later.)
Sometimes you have to remember that certain situations in our life are temporary. Perhaps one child is a dynamo and really has a hard time sitting still for that hour or more. Another child is happy to sit in your lap and only has problems when ill or tired. You know what is in the best interests of your child. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question.
Sit up front so he or she can see what is going on. Try to attend a Mass time that is earlier in the day when your child is fresh and not cranky and ready for a nap. Or attend the evening Mass for a while if your child winds down then and might actually fall asleep in Mass. My six year old sometimes holds the baby on her lap during Mass and just that little change of scenery often settles her down.
Prepare your child for Mass by talking to him or her about what is happening there. Bring a small picture book or some favorite holy cards or saint figures but
not juice or crackers. See
www.chcweb.com for some great resources for toddlers and preschoolers to keep focused or busy during Mass.
First & Lastly, pray for patience! Pray to act just as if you were Jesus gently loving your child and helping him to learn about God.
Hang in there! It goes by quickly.