Whew – that was hard. I had been praying for months and preparing – had a mental list of what I wanted to say. My mother is elderly and we have had difficult communication in the past, so a reasonable conversation or debate of exploring the fundamentalist vs. Catholic Church beliefs would not be an option, BUT of course, that is in God’s hands.
Because I had #1 prayed, #2 had a plan what to simply say, #3 had asked God to have her bring up the opening for the topic, I was ready when today she did bring up a topic that opened the door for my revelation to her that I was Catholic.
I said, “Mom, I love you, and you are the person who told me first about Jesus, and you led me to Jesus when I was very little, and something has happened about my spiritiual life I want you to know about. I am Catholic now, and I believe that the Caholic church has the complete Fullness of Truth, and there is so much more that we can be blessed with by being Catholic. I want to tell you that in the Catholic church communion is not a symbol but is the body and blood of Jesus as we read about in John 6.”
She said that she was fine with that, that she believed the Catholic Church had changed a lot now and was good now, when she was a teenager all the Catholic kids were the worst smoke, drank, etc., and no one knew what was going on in church, and she has a number of things that she believes the Catholic Church is wrong about. She basically wanted to treat the Catholic Church as a type of other Christian denomination, but THEN, the phone rang. After the phone call, our visit turned to other topics.
And so now it is in the Lord’s hands. I hope I planted a seed. And if I did, she may ask questions in the future. The topic that created the opening for me to tell her was about Bible Study we are each in this Fall, and I was telling her about listening to Scott Hahn CD’s in the car while traveling.
If she does ask questions in the future, I can answer her and also provide a Scott Hahn book/CD. Scott Hahn’s love for the Old Testament would be right up her alley.
Whew – I’m tired. I had to be very careful and keep it very simple.
Now we can pray that the seed that is planted may be watered by someone, and that the Holy Spirit will lead her to the Fullness of Truth in Christ’s church.
May God be praised. Now…I have to tell the other zillion Fundy relatives…Oh boy!
Because I had #1 prayed, #2 had a plan what to simply say, #3 had asked God to have her bring up the opening for the topic, I was ready when today she did bring up a topic that opened the door for my revelation to her that I was Catholic.
I said, “Mom, I love you, and you are the person who told me first about Jesus, and you led me to Jesus when I was very little, and something has happened about my spiritiual life I want you to know about. I am Catholic now, and I believe that the Caholic church has the complete Fullness of Truth, and there is so much more that we can be blessed with by being Catholic. I want to tell you that in the Catholic church communion is not a symbol but is the body and blood of Jesus as we read about in John 6.”
She said that she was fine with that, that she believed the Catholic Church had changed a lot now and was good now, when she was a teenager all the Catholic kids were the worst smoke, drank, etc., and no one knew what was going on in church, and she has a number of things that she believes the Catholic Church is wrong about. She basically wanted to treat the Catholic Church as a type of other Christian denomination, but THEN, the phone rang. After the phone call, our visit turned to other topics.
And so now it is in the Lord’s hands. I hope I planted a seed. And if I did, she may ask questions in the future. The topic that created the opening for me to tell her was about Bible Study we are each in this Fall, and I was telling her about listening to Scott Hahn CD’s in the car while traveling.
If she does ask questions in the future, I can answer her and also provide a Scott Hahn book/CD. Scott Hahn’s love for the Old Testament would be right up her alley.
Whew – I’m tired. I had to be very careful and keep it very simple.
Now we can pray that the seed that is planted may be watered by someone, and that the Holy Spirit will lead her to the Fullness of Truth in Christ’s church.
May God be praised. Now…I have to tell the other zillion Fundy relatives…Oh boy!