In my experience most “anti-Catholics” seem to be quite tolerant of divergent views within Protestantism, but do not give Catholics the same courtesy. If anti-Catholics truly believe in sola scriptura and are willing to tolerate different views within non-Catholic circles, why aren’t they more sensitive and tolerant of Catholic views which are also biblically based? As Catholics we might also examine ourselves to see if we are displaying any “triumphalism” or unchristian behavior/example toward our non-Catholic counterparts.
I have read many threads and posts on these forums that have been extraordinarily persuasive, and yet there are individuals holding opposing views that will concede “nothing” even when their position is untenable.
This thread is not meant to insult anyone or to stir up a hornet’s nest. I’m hoping that some “honest” and thoughtful reflection on the subject might help all of us overcome some of our preconceived ideas and prejudices. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to find more effective ways to communicate with one another.
I have read many threads and posts on these forums that have been extraordinarily persuasive, and yet there are individuals holding opposing views that will concede “nothing” even when their position is untenable.
This thread is not meant to insult anyone or to stir up a hornet’s nest. I’m hoping that some “honest” and thoughtful reflection on the subject might help all of us overcome some of our preconceived ideas and prejudices. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to find more effective ways to communicate with one another.