Are there any books by Tolkein that deal with his Catholicism?
I’m just curious; this is the kind of thing I can get someone for Christmas.
If you can find a copy (even used) check out “England and Always” by Jared Lobdell. It is an excellent collection of essays, including one called “The Timeless Moment: Christian Doctrine in a Pre-Christian Age”.
Also, “The Tolkien Reader” and “The Tolkien Miscellany” both contain his essay “On Fairy Stories” which tells a great deal about his faith, at least as far as his understanding of the genre of the fairy story.
Also, “Tolkien: The Authorized Biography” by Humphrey Carpenter deals extensively with his faith, and his influence on the conversion of CS Lewis.
Also (although this is getting VERY technical – Tolkien geeks (like me) only! ) “Morgoth’s Ring” vol. 10 in Christopher Tolkien’s “The History of Middle-Earth” contains a very long short story/dialogue which would have fit into “The Silmarillion” immediately prior to “Of Beren and Luthien” which concerns the Fall and possible implications for the Incarnation.
Also (as someone else pointed out) “The Letters of JRR Tolkien”. Several – quite a few, actually, deal with his faith – and with his great love of the Eucharist.
Hope that this helps . . .