Tomorrow is Saint Therese's Feast Day..... Any Rose stories

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I love Therese and she is the Saint that showered me with roses when I needed them most. Through her intercession I developed a deeper realtionship with the Lord and Blessed Mother. She will always be so special in my sprititual Growth.

Just thought it would be cool to share stories of how she showered roses on others.
This is the second time I had heard about St. Therese and Roses. A month ago I found my mom at her home. She had passed away between 24 and 72 hours prior. It was very quick and she had her coffee pot still on. As soon as I saw her, I knew that the Lord had taking her. But a few weeks ago, I was at home and I started to think about her and doubt tried to creep in about where she was. So I said a prayer and asked the Lord to take care of her and to help me remember his Grace. So my wife and kids came home from the store and as we where bringing groceries in the house, she passed by me and I got the heavy smell of flowers. I was thinking, hmmm she’s wearing perfume, but then as we passed each other again, she asked me if I had sprayed some deoderizer. Then she said it smells like fresh cut flowers, when she said that, the hair stood up on my arms and I remembered my moms funeral, then she said" it reminds me of your moms funeral", We where able to p(name removed by moderator)oint the location to a couple of feet on our deck just outside our back door. It was a very pleasant and comforting smell and I felt a connection. Like the Lord was telling me that he has her. My mom had white roses on her casket spray and in the displays. I had never known about the connection between the Saint and roses until just a couple of days ago. Oddly, my wifes name is Theresa. Thank God for these things to help us in Faith, Tim
I love roses, but I never said a novena to St. Therese asking for one. Then one day when I was very sad, (Mom recently died and more) I ran across the novena. I asked myself why I had never it or asked for a rose. I realized that I feared I wouldn’t get a rose and doubts would stir all over again. (I used to have terrible trouble with doubting my faith.) Anyway, I didn’t say the novena; I simply cried and asked for a rose.

Later that day I went to a gathering and sat at a table with a single pink rose as the centerpiece. When it was time to leave, someone I didn’t know said, “Whoever’s birthday is closest should take the rose.”

I didn’t make the connection until I got home that night and placed my rose in a vase while standing in the very spot where I had cried my prayer that morning.
Whats this asking for a rose thing?
I believe the quote from her is “I want to spend my time in heaven doing good here on earth.” St Therese is called the little flower and it’s said when you ask for her intercesions she will leave a rose for you. I’m not sure where it came from, I read A story of a Soul and it didn’t mention roses, although it did mention lots of white lillies.

My mom has a special devotion to St Therese, and she would constantly find roses after saying a novena. Her first child (me) was also born on her feast day. I’ve never had a devotion to her as I felt I would be “stealing” my mom’s saint (as if we could claim them :rolleyes: ). Just a few months ago I found the quote in my signature and it made me want to read A story of a soul. I’ve since started praying to her at night and will probably do a novena as an introduction when I finish the current one I’m on. 🙂
Therese, has showered my family with many roses. The most recent was for myself this past Tuesday. I am feeling a little lost right now and asked Therese if I was headed in the right direction. I asked her to send a rose but it had to be in a place where it most likely wouldn’t take place. Yes, sometimes I ask for stipulations. Oh ye of little faith. On Tuesday I attended my twin son’s football game, right before the game started one of the young girls was carrying one simple, beautiful, red rose. That was the gift that I needed on Tuesday. In the most obscure place a rose showed up. Especially at a place like a football stadium. Yet, I knew that was for me as well as that young girl. I felt I had lost something until that rose appeared. Like my faith!

Thanks for sharing. I love Therese because of her simpliness. She has been a true blessing to my husband, myself, and my children.
I have always received what I requested when I have engaged her intercession. A previous girlfriend who I helped bring into the Church in 2004 chose the name Therese as her confirmation name. I only pray that she still attends Mass but she does not communicate with me anymore. Maybe I should pray for another rose.:hmmm:
I was the bearer of the rose once. It was almost 30 years ago. My office was close to a Catholic church, and I sometimes went on my lunch hour to spend time with some of the people on the staff. One day, as I passed through the parish garden, roses were blooming, and I picked one.

When I entered the parish office, a young lady was visiting with Sister, and she looked troubled. I handed her the rose, saying she needed it more than I did. I knew nothing of St. Therese and the roses at that point. The young lady got very excited, explaining that she was making a novena to St. Therese and that a rose was a sign of a response from the Little Flower.

Sister, a typical 70’s liberal nun, poo-poohed the whole thing, but I’ve remembered it always. Ironically, Sister’s name was Rose.

Whats this asking for a rose thing?
There is a novena prayer from the Pieta prayer book and other sources which goes:

“St. Therese, the Little Flower, please pick me a rose from the heavenly garden and send it to me with a message of love. Ask God to grant me the favor I thee implore and tell him I will love him each day more and more.”

It is followed by 5 Our Fathers, 5 Hail Marys and 5 Glory Be’s.

Last fall I was saying this prayer. I live in MN and the growing season for spring flowers is long past. I have 2 bushes flanking my front door which bloom every June (I have only been here for 2 June’s). First, it’s kind a God’s birthday gift to me as I am a June baby.

Secondly, last fall, in the middle of the above 5 day novena, 3 white flowers bloomed on the bush outside my door. My neighbor in the townhome next door has exactly the same bushes and the same sunlight/shade, and flowers did nto bloom there. They did not bloom on my other bush…just on the one I see immediately as I walk out or in my door every single morning.

Those bushes do not bloom in October.

The cool thing was, though, that the flowers bloomed from exactly the same spot from which the last buds had sprouted…and in late June/ early July I offered those last blooms to Our Lady and left them at the Fatima shrine at my parish.

They have a scent similar to roses.

When the flowers from St. Therese bloomed in October, I had a feeling they weren’t for me and I brought them to my neighbors, 2 sisters who share a wall with me, both Catholic and both influenced my return to the Church. I told them they were from St. Therese and I learned both have a devotion to her.

Most recently, I was praying the 5 day prayer and I am amidst a vocational discernment currently. On the 5th day I was attending an all-night prayer vigil in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary at my parish. A friend of mine who has recently chosen a her community learned that I was looking at a particular one in Wisconsin and had a relic from the foundress.

That night, the 5th day of the “novena”, she found me at the vigil so as to be able to give me the relic. The relic belongs to the foundress of a Carmelite order and it is enclosed in a little leather booklet decorated in roses.

After my friend had left I realized it was a response from St. Therese.

Furtehr…when I was struggling in Confession little less than a year ago and I was praying/ crying in our adoration chapel, there was a woman there who I have actually not seen since, come to think of it. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her kneel before she left and when she went to pass me she stopped. She leaned in and thrust a home-made prayer booklet in front of me. Very quietly she whispered that she was there that night to bring that booklet to another person who had not showed up and she felt like she was supposed to give it to me.

She told me the prayers were very powerful.

I thanked her tearfully and as i opened it I realized that she had handed me several novena prayers to St. Therese for her intercession and the Litany to St. Therese.

At the time, I was sitting very near her statue in the corner of our adoration chapel.

She now enjoys a little corner in my house with a blessed picture and a bouquet of seasonal (albiet fake) flowers.
My husband and I have taken her as the Patron Saint of our Marriage, she has always showered us with roses. We went to visit with her when her relics were brought to the U.S. a few years back and to pray with her. Someone was selling roses for only $1.00 each that you were to leave there with her, well, my husband deceided to get one of the roses for me too, so while we were waiting in the line to visit and pray with her he handed me the rose and said, “This one is for you, I want you to keep it.”
Since we had earlier purchased two roses, (one for him to leave and one for me to leave), I accepted it. Well, when we were kneeling in the Church and praying, I touched the rose that he gave me to her little coffin, not for any particular reason really, just that since I was keeping it, I wanted it as close to her as I could get it. I knew I would be keeping it and I am kind of sentimental. When we got home I cut the rose from the stem and put it in a little box and put it in my dresser.(I keep things sometimes that mean something to me and that have touched my life in a special way.)
About three years after this, I was going through that one dresser drawer and cleaning it out (I have one drawer that I keep different things in, not clothes, just things like that that have a special meaning to me.) I saw the box and forgot what was in it and opened it, the rose was still deep red in color, looked as though it had never died, I touched it and it still felt as though it were just cut. She is amazing. Everyday we ask her to pray for us. We’ve been Married for 29 years so far. (she is just one of the many Saints we love, but she is our Patron Saint.) We both have a great devotion to the Blessed Mother too.
A few years ago I became friendly with a woman who is a nn-religious Jew. She is curious about my religious devotion, and somehwat envious, for in hard times she has no sense of a loving God there to rely on. Anyway, I mentioned Little Flower to her once and we were busy doing something. She asked me to tell her more some other time. I wasn’t sure how to raise the issue again. One day, a few weeks later, we were walking together and I was trying to find the right way to tell her about Little Flower,without sounding pushy. At that exact moment she asked me, “So who is this Little Flower?” Needless to say, I took this as a sign, and told her a great deal.

A month or two later Little Flower’s relics were at a local church during the tour commemorating the 100th anniversary of her entrance into eternal life. I was excited to go, and she came with me. Together we followed the reliquary in a procession around our Manhattan neighborhood. She was so excited, buying a rose which she touched to the reliquary. At the feast of St. Gennaro sometime later she expressed interest in a rosary which came in a case with Little Flower’s picture. She has it hanging near her desk and in times of extreme anxiety or worry I have seen her take it down and hold the beads. Therese is bringing her to Jesus, I know this in my heart.
Anyway, the past few weeks she has suffered terribly from some as yet undiagnosed ailment which attacks her hands and her wrists, until they feel as if they are broken and she is unable to use them. She is relatively young. Two days ago the condition attacked her knee and she was unable to walk. This AM I told her that it was Little Flower’s feast and that she should ask Little Flower for a special favor today. This afternoon the swelling in her hands and the knee subsided, she can close her hands for the
first time in over a week and has been able to go out walking again. She asked me a short time ago whether I would take her to my parish so that she can pay a visit to Little Flower.
I have many stories associated with Little Flower over the years.
This is my current favorite.
She is a prodigy of miracles.
I should point out she is taking medication, but this is the first day it did any noticable good.
Here is the Novena Rose Prayer
O little Therese of the Child Jesus, please pick for me a rose from the heavenly gardens and send it to me as a message of love.
O Little Flower of Jesus, ask God today to grant the favors I now place with confidence in your hand…
(here mention specific prayer requests)
St. Therese, help me to always believe as you did, in God’s great love for me, so that I might imitate your “Little Way” each day. Amen
“I will let fall from Heaven…a Shower of Roses.”-St. Therese
I posted the following in the “Personal Miracles” thread but since it’s about Saint Therese, I figured it would be appropriate to post it here as well:

My wife has been suffering from numerous physical ailments for a while now. It’s been especially bad as of late. A few nights ago I decided to ask Saint Therese to pray for my wife’s healing. The next day while at work I was inspecting some dry cleaning someone had brought into my office and on one of the hangers, I saw the image of a red rose and the words “Thank you for shopping at The Rose.” And because Saint Therese frequently gives people the sign of a rose in response to their petitions, I took this as a sign that Saint Therese had heard my prayer and was working on it.

My wife felt so much better that day that she was able to catch up on a lot of things she had to put off because of the pain. I praise God and thank Saint Therese for her intercession.
On Saturday myself and my son prayed the novena prayer together asking St Therese to pick a rose from the Heavenly garden and send it to us as a message of love. He is preparing for his First Holy Communion in May 06.

This morning (Monday) I was at Mass and just as I was leaving I saw a basket at the back of the Chapel with the words “Please take a Rose”. In is were beautiful red roses, but I had passed them by and hopped into my car before the significance hit me! My heart nearly skipped a beat when I realised I missed the signal grace.

I am hoping they will be there tomorrow and I will pick it up then. Silly me…

O little Therese of the Child Jesus, please pick for me a rose from the Heavenly gardens and send it to me as a message of love. Oh little Flower of Jesus, ask God today to grant the favors I now place with confidence in thy hands. (Mention your intentions here) St. Therese, help me to always believe as thou didst, in God’s great love for me, so that I might imitate thy “Little Way” each day. Amen.
A year ago I was at our weekly prayer meeting. I had been doing a novena to St. Theresa for my nephew who was in Iraq at the time. The group members had also been praying for his safety. I asked a women I had just met there if she would pray for him also and she agreed and took out her little book to write his name in. As she did she said,“You have the most beautiful perfume on”. I said I didn’t wear purfume because I am allergic. She said that it had a beautiful floral smell. We were both getting goose bumps on our arms because we both realized what was happening. She said that my nephew was receiving a very special blessing! I assumed it was the Blessed Mother, because I had heard of a rose aroma with her, but the next day was St Teresa’s feast day and it hit me sometime in the day that it was SHE who was showering us with flowers!!! So I went to my sisters and we emailed my nephew and told him. He was very amazed-he was able to call us later and he was very, very touched.

BONUS-my nephew is now safely home with his wife and two year old son and they are expecting another baby!! AND HE IS CONVERTING TO CATHOLOCISM!!! His wife is Catholic but they have never taken their son to Mass and now they have decided to have him baptised and their marriage blessed!!!
MaryBeth Mac:
BONUS-my nephew is now safely home with his wife and two year old son and they are expecting another baby!! AND HE IS CONVERTING TO CATHOLOCISM!!! His wife is Catholic but they have never taken their son to Mass and now they have decided to have him baptised and their marriage blessed!!!
What a beautiful story! :crying:
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