I’ve been having a really hard time trying to come to a conclusion regarding what is the Truth about the gift of tongues. In coming back to the faith I found myself inside a charismatic group and I was quite confused to see them behaving with tongues and “resting” in the Spirit. I’ve read 1 corinthians 14 and acts and all three times the gift has been given. And if i base on acts and Cor14, the gift they are using is not a real language and is not being interpreted by anybody. However in the 2 times after pentecost the gift shows up in acts you aren’t sure if the gift was interpreted or if it was a real language as it only says they spoke in tongues. The charismatics defend this by saying it’s a type of prayer and that perhaps it could be an ancient language or an angelic language and they refer to romans 8:27. To add to my confusion I read commentaries from some priests saying this is demonic possession and that it roots from the pentecostals and their rejection of the sacraments. Then on the other hand there’s these charismatic priests that support it 100%. If I reject this as being a real gift am I committing the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the spirit ?? Why can’t I get a clear answer anywhere??? I hope you can help me. Sorry for the long message.
God bless
God bless