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I was recently on a protestant mission and on the mission i heard a lot about speaking in tongues and we even heard the pastor speak in tongues but his accent was so heavy and i was so tired from jetlag that i didn’t actually notice but anyway the whole concept seemed so foreign to me so I was wondering if anyone could explain first, what it is exactly and second, why I have never heard about this in the Catholic church. Thanks
Ok it’s talked about in Acts. On the day of pentacaust(sp), the apostles spoke in tongues. It was tongues that other people in the crowd could understand. This was without the apostles having learned these languages. My personal opinion is that this was a work of the Holy Spirit that was needed at that particular time. Paul also talks about it, but he warns that it should be accompanied by an interpretation so athers can be blessed by it. If there is no interpretation then it is wrong to do it.
Now for my personal feelings. It is not spoken of in scriptures much, very rare. So I feel it is a rare occurance. If it happens at all any more. I was raised Catholic but fell away and spent 19 years in a pentacaustal church. I heard a lot of people speak in tongues. But I also saw it abused greatly. This is why I feel it is supposed to be rare if at all.
Uh oh, here we go… :rolleyes: :eek: :bigyikes:
Sorry, I laughed when I read this. Must be quite subject here in the forums. I’ll have to find some prior threads as I don’t get it myself.

I was recently on a protestant mission and on the mission i heard a lot about speaking in tongues and we even heard the pastor speak in tongues but his accent was so heavy and i was so tired from jetlag that i didn’t actually notice but anyway the whole concept seemed so foreign to me so I was wondering if anyone could explain first, what it is exactly and second, why I have never heard about this in the Catholic church. Thanks
When the apostles were speaking in tongues they were not speaking in some unknown, blabbering language. They were actually conversing in foreign languages that they had never been taught. THe purpose of these languages was to convert those from foreign country. A comparison today would be if I suddenly was able to converse in Arabic so I could convert middle easterners.
It genuinely happens, but I doubt it happens as frequently as some of these churches propose. I once faked being hypnotized at a professional hypnotist demonstration in college. I was just playing along and my friends were shocked when I told them I was acting the part because of my odd sense of humor. They thought I was actually hypnotized.

If a person is in a church, being told that the Holy Spirit is working with them if they are speaking in tongues, they will be tempted to fit in.

I believe it happens, it happened to my mom once. She was speaking ancient Hebrew, a phrase over and over at a Charismatic renewal at Notre Dame. She didnt’ know what she was saying until she heard it translated 20 yrs later on a show on EWTN. She didn’t even know what language she was speaking, she just remembered what she said. It was very emotional and spiritual for her. I believe her, she hasn’t told many people about it, just a few family members.

Maybe God actually does cause people in these denomonations to speak in tongues because He is trying to get them to join the Universal Church, more charismatic people are needed to make up the Body of Christ, they dont’ need to be all congregated away.

I have never spoken in tongues, but that doesn’t make me feel any further from God, I have a powerful prayer life.
When the apostles were speaking in tongues they were not speaking in some unknown, blabbering language. They were actually conversing in foreign languages that they had never been taught. THe purpose of these languages was to convert those from foreign country. A comparison today would be if I suddenly was able to converse in Arabic so I could convert middle easterners.
Exactly, I agree. If the people are speaking gibberish, they arent’ speaking in tongues, there are supposed to be people present who understand them. Anyone can fake it if gibberish “counts” ESPECIALLY if you are taught that the Holy Spirit isnt’ working in your life unless you are speaking in tongues and convulsing, etc. Who wants to be the only person in a church who doesn’t have the Holy Spirit working in their lives.

I probably sound harsh.
posted by wolfhunter
When the apostles were speaking in tongues they were not speaking in some unknown, blabbering language. They were actually conversing in foreign languages that they had never been taught.
:bible1: 1Cor 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels,…

I didn’t know angel was a known tongue:hmmm:
posted by Peace-bwu
If the people are speaking gibberish, they arent’ speaking in tongues, there are supposed to be people present who understand them.
While attending a AoG church, I had been praying for the gift of interpretation (As Paul tells us to). This church had people who would stand up and “speak gibberish” or as they called it tongues of angels or possibly men and then someone would interpret. Nothing else was done until it was interpreted.

One day, a wome spoke in no known language to me. Someone interpreted. I was very sure they were wrong. I, to my shame even to this day, said only to myself, “No, can’t you hear? the angels are rejoicing because someone has been healed.”

A few minutes later, an announcement that a women whom I had never heard of, had been miraculously healed of a inoperable brain tumor.

Tongues of angels my friend, tongues of angels.

God Bless,
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