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I attended the Steubenville Youth Conference in St. Louis this past weekend. During Adoration, which was about 2 hours worth, I spoke in tongues nearly the whole time. I also went in spout of crying and laughing hysterically. It was one of the most amazing parts of the weekend and my whole life.

Now I know there are alot of you who are skeptic of speaking in tongues but let me tell you I caught some Latin words coming out my mouth. Is this proof that God is Catholic? Is true now that if you pray in Latin God does not have to translate.

Any thoughts?
I attended the Steubenville Youth Conference in St. Louis this past weekend. During Adoration, which was about 2 hours worth, I spoke in tongues nearly the whole time. I also went in spout of crying and laughing hysterically. It was one of the most amazing parts of the weekend and my whole life.

Now I know there are alot of you who are skeptic of speaking in tongues but let me tell you I caught some Latin words coming out my mouth. Is this proof that God is Catholic? Is true now that if you pray in Latin God does not have to translate.

Any thoughts?
Latin is only the offical language of the Latin Catholic Church. The Byzantine Churches use Church Slavonic, Greek, and in the case of Ukranians, Ukrainian.

You should go to the radio archives and listen to yesterdays Catholic Answers Live as the laughing hysterically has nothing to do with anything.

I am skeptical of “tongues” in the way it is practiced today.

If we look to the scriptures we will see that when the apostles “speak in tongues” they are actually speaking a language that they do not know but that someone in the crowd does know. No where do I find evidence of “praying in tongues” .

The practice today, that of “praying in tongues”, seems to be nothing but gibberish, that is unintelligible or meaningless language.
I attended the Steubenville Youth Conference in St. Louis this past weekend. During Adoration, which was about 2 hours worth, I spoke in tongues nearly the whole time. I also went in spout of crying and laughing hysterically. It was one of the most amazing parts of the weekend and my whole life.

Now I know there are alot of you who are skeptic of speaking in tongues but let me tell you I caught some Latin words coming out my mouth. Is this proof that God is Catholic? Is true now that if you pray in Latin God does not have to translate.

Any thoughts?
Sounds like you had an amazing experience with the Holy Spirit. Don’t let someone like ByzCath try to rob you of it by his ignorance and disbelief.

You asked if this proves that God is Catholic. Tongues are a gift of the Holy Spirit, that means it proves the Holy Spirit is in you and you have manifest one of his giftings - very cool, eh? Try not to look at it as proof of too much. Tongues are a grace, they are not earned, so it’s not even proof of your holiness or worthiness. It does demonstrate that you pursued God with an open heart and were worshipping God in a way that pleased God so much so that He interjected His languages into your worship to aid you and strengthen you.

The crying and laughing are simply physical reactions we sometimes encounter when we touch God’s Presence at times such as this. Hey, anytime our weak flesh has a direct experience with a supernatural God, we’re liable to have odd things occur.

You also asked if speaking in Latin helped God not to have to translate . . . never to worry, God knows what we’re speaking even if the only thing that gets out of us are groans and crys - He sees our heart and knows what we need. God doesn’t have to translate anything, Latin is not necessarily the language of Heaven or of God.

I suggest that you connect with a Charismatic Catholic group in your area. You can learn much from their experience and they can teach you where to go from here. You might even try posting questions to this Charismatic Catholic web forum → They are very nice and very helpful. You’ve taken a drink from the River of Life, that is something that can you can do everyday in your spiritual walk with God.

God bless!!

Now I know there are alot of you who are skeptic of speaking in tongues but let me tell you I caught some Latin words coming out my mouth. Is this proof that God is Catholic? Is true now that if you pray in Latin God does not have to translate.

Any thoughts?
As to the authenticity and biblical presence of praying in tongues, that’s been discussed and established before, so I’m not going to deal with that here.

When praying in tongues, the spirit simply uses syllables to express itself, and those syllables usually have no secular meaning. Heh. Its similly to a little grunt someone gives when they stretch in morning. The sound it makes has no lexical meaning, but it expresses something more completely then words ever could.

So the spirit uses whatever is available to it for it to express itself. Normally these are syllables that are already familiar to the person. Therefore, those of us who are Catholic can often times notice a strong flavor of Latin in our prayer language. Its what our spirit already associates as a sacred language to pray to God, so God uses it to praise him.

I don’t think God has to translate no matter what language you pray in. Prayer languages can just articulate our prayers more completely than human language.

The sound it makes has no lexical meaning, but it expresses something more completely then words ever could.
Why is that?
When praying in tongues, the spirit simply uses syllables to express itself, and those syllables usually have no secular meaning. Heh. Its similly to a little grunt someone gives when they stretch in morning. The sound it makes has no lexical meaning, but it expresses something more completely then words ever could.
Please show me where this is expressed in the Scriptures.

As for DavidB’s comment, not ignorance is being expressed by me, I actually have experience in this area.

Again, I suggest you listen to Tusdays’s (7/12) Catholic Answers Live and see that Tim Staples shares the idea that there is no such thing as Holy Laughter and that those in the Chrismatic movement need to be properly catechised.

The Gift of Tongues in the Scriptures is shown to us on the Day of Pentacost when the Apostles spoke in languages that they did not know but that were known by those in the crowd. No where in Scripture is the idea of “spirit simply uses syllables to express itself, and those syllables usually have no secular meaning” talked about. Now if I am wrong show me.

I would ask that you refrain from the ad hominem attacks and deal with the issue.
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