The Scriptures and the Church over the years have used way too many metaphors, parables, symbolisms, and other figurative language examples in trying to make clear things that are fundamentally mysterious and unknowable. The “Rock of Ages” for example may mean something to a serious bible reader but means nothing to the average person. “Bride of Christ” is another one that makes no sense unless some theologian spends a couple of paragraphs trying to explain the statement. Aquinas said “…faith does not derogate from the dignity of reason, rather it enhances it as the telescope enhances the power of the eye… This didn’t make sense many years ago in Theology 101 and it really doesn’t make sense to me today. Sure a telescope enhances the eye’s power, but faith enhancing reason is not a similar example at all. If anything faith seems to be in direct conflict with reason. Serious comments welcomed.