Okay so like the title says, I feel torn in half. I’m being pulled in 2 directions but I want for God to be clearer with me so I know where He is calling me. I do not want to take years and years and years without making a decision. All my life and now especially as a young woman of 23 years, my number one goal in life has been and is to be a loving wife and a devoted Catholic mother. I’ve been through some terrible relationships though. This past June (3 months ago) I was cheated on. I therefore am taking until the new year 2020 to heal before I start dating again. Which leads me to my next point…I also feel the pull to the cloister. It would be agonizing for me to give up my dreams of marriage, my sexuality, and my desire to bear and raise my own children. However, since I had a traumatizing near death experience nearly two years ago, I wonder if life in the convent would bring me closer to God. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated.