For years I’ve been vehemently against illegal immigration. I guess you could say I’m a traditional trade unionist who opposes illegal immigration because it undermines the wages of working class Americans. However I was so enraged by right-wing radio talk show host Michael Savage and his rant against the Roman Catholic Church because of the stance of some bishops on this issue that I’ve almost completely wound up in the other camp. My mother is Mexican-American and our family immigrated here legally in 1914. My grandfather fought in WWII when he was a teenager not even old enough to vote or drink. Many of my uncles did the same. Our family is very loyal to the United States. That’s why I can’t believe what I’m hearing from some people here in the states. I heard from one saying, “they should detain every brown skinned person to determine if they’re a citizen or not”. I feel that amongst some in this country there is a factor of bigotry against Mexicans whether they be American citizens or not. I’m still struggling with the issue I just wanted to put in my two cents.