Hello, it has been awhile since I have posted because I am so busy at work it is crazy. I began managing a new department at my Hospital. I have a lot of employees and responsibility. I love my job; it is rewarding and I am good at it. However, one of the supervisors that reports to me, has been subtly hostile toward me. He is trying to climb the ladder and has told people he deserves to report directly to the VP rather than a manager, and he thinks he should have gotten my job. (He does not have the appropriate, experience or education for the role)
I am well respected by the people who know me well, but I wonder if I can last through this. DH says I should not let him force me out of a just out of unhappiness and I know it is true. But it is truly intense and I have been miserable for months.
This person has been reprimanded by my boss and me due to: insubordination, poor work outcomes, and even misrepresenting us to his direct reports. He was put on our corporate performance improvement however there are quite a few steps before a person can be fired. That is good in some cases to protect people, in this case, it is an impediment and he works the system to be just bad enough to make my life miserable but not enough to be fired. Additionally he has tried to get me in trouble for things I have not done. However, he doesn’t out right accuse me of the falsehood, he poses things in a question format he will ask leading HR a questions like he is trying to help me. It is hard to explain without making this too long.
I love my job, and my company, but I am so sad going to work knowing that everyday will be another problem. I have managed people before, but never had such an insidious problem employee like this.
Anyone know any good prayers or advice for this kind of thing?
I am well respected by the people who know me well, but I wonder if I can last through this. DH says I should not let him force me out of a just out of unhappiness and I know it is true. But it is truly intense and I have been miserable for months.
This person has been reprimanded by my boss and me due to: insubordination, poor work outcomes, and even misrepresenting us to his direct reports. He was put on our corporate performance improvement however there are quite a few steps before a person can be fired. That is good in some cases to protect people, in this case, it is an impediment and he works the system to be just bad enough to make my life miserable but not enough to be fired. Additionally he has tried to get me in trouble for things I have not done. However, he doesn’t out right accuse me of the falsehood, he poses things in a question format he will ask leading HR a questions like he is trying to help me. It is hard to explain without making this too long.
I love my job, and my company, but I am so sad going to work knowing that everyday will be another problem. I have managed people before, but never had such an insidious problem employee like this.
Anyone know any good prayers or advice for this kind of thing?