The seminaries are seriously deficient. They don’t teach philosophy or theology properly. They don’t teach Latin as they should. I’m not denigrating our priests but most OF priests haven’t been educated properly. I’d be ordained and be a genuine priest, but I’d be seriously lacking in terms of my formation. Plus, the new seminaries don’t adequately prepare men to live celibate lifestyles. I’m basing this opinion on conversations I’ve had with priests and former seminarians. Most European seminaries need a serious overhaul.
I’d also like to add, even if I went to a traditional seminary such as FSSP in Nebraska, I’d not be able to serve the people in my diocese and probably not in my country. I know two other men who felt called to the priesthood but have my opinions. I’m certainly not alone. The priest shortage is manufactured and caused by unorthodox prelates in charge of the seminaries.