Traditional Latin Mass..Help!

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It has been years and years since I have attended a Latin Mass like when I was a kid…40+ years:blush:

Would anyone who attends regularly please advise me on proper ettiquette:

Such as…
  1. Head coverings
  2. Can I wear dress pants?
  3. Holy Communion at the rail
  4. Do you say “Amen” after receiving Communion?
  5. Anything else you might suggest…
I…am nervous…🙂

Thank you all in advance…

It has been years and years since I have attended a Latin Mass like when I was a kid…40+ years:blush:

Would anyone who attends regularly please advise me on proper ettiquette:

Such as…
  1. Head coverings
Not all women wear them.
  1. Can I wear dress pants?
Some women wear them.
  1. Holy Communion at the rail
  1. Do you say “Amen” after receiving Communion?
No, you do not say anything during the Mass.
I…am nervous…🙂
Thank you all in advance…
Don’t worry about being nervous. If you still have an old missal, you can use it. I went to my first TLM about 4 years ago and borrowed my mother’s missal. I had never been to one previously because I was born in 1969. I had no problems following the Mass with the missal.
… and don’t even try receiving Holy Communion in the hand!
No Communion in the hand at the Tridentine Mass.
… and don’t even try receiving Holy Communion in the hand!
No Communion in the hand at the Tridentine Mass.
Aaahhh…now that might be refreshing…

You don’t say “anything” during the Mass? Wow!

Thanks so much for your help.🙂

Aaahhh…now that might be refreshing…

You don’t say “anything” during the Mass? Wow!

Thanks so much for your help.🙂

If you go to Low Mass, the servers answer in Latin for the congregation. If you go to High Mass, the choir sings the responses to the priest’s prayers. The congregation is silent during the Mass. But you can follow along in the Missal and pray the prayers silently. The Missal will have the English translations.
I’ve only been to one, and with regard to saying “amen”- I was prepared for communion at the rail kneeling, and I already receive on the tongue. I sat in the back so I could see how communion proceeded. I was frantically trying to figure out WHEN people were saying amen before my turn, when I realized you don’t say anything 😉

It was certainly different but I really enjoyed the traditional mass, much more reverent.
Many indult Latin Mass communities have Dialogue Masses where the congregation responds to the priest, be the Mass sung or recited. It is wise to follow the established local custom.
Just adding this: “holy communion at the rail”
What is that?
Thanks. 🙂
Just adding this: “holy communion at the rail”
What is that?
Thanks. 🙂
The bread line system is very modern. Pre-Vatican II altars had rails around them, originally to keep animals away in rural parishes, but later to keep unconsecrated persons at a decent distance from the Blessed Sacrament. So to receive communion you knelt at the rail and the priest would place it on your tongue, with an altar boy holding a golden paten underneath to catch any crumbs.
Don’t worry about being nervous. If you still have an old missal, you can use it. I went to my first TLM about 4 years ago and borrowed my mother’s missal. I had never been to one previously because I was born in 1969. I had no problems following the Mass with the missal.
Here’s a link that has the 1962 Missal online.
Awesome photo and links…👍

I appreciate all of your help. I am going to get up the courage to go next Sunday morning. I am going to go to the local Catholic bookstore and supply store and buy a mantilla. Haven’t wore one of those in a long time.😉

I will let you all know how it went if I didn’t make a fool out of myself.

It has been years and years since I have attended a Latin Mass like when I was a kid…40+ years:blush:

Would anyone who attends regularly please advise me on proper ettiquette:

Such as…
  1. Head coverings
  2. Can I wear dress pants?
  3. Holy Communion at the rail
  4. Do you say “Amen” after receiving Communion?
  5. Anything else you might suggest…
    I…am nervous…🙂
Thank you all in advance…

I recommend a mantilla, scarf, hat, beanie, whatever your choosing. And also at least a skirt. I’m just saying this because you might feel out of place. Though some women do wear pants and no head covering but I’ve noticed they don’t attend regularly.

I was nervous and excited the first time I attended after many years too. But you will feel so much joy and peace afterwards. It will be wonderful. 🙂 I said to myself…I am back home. 🙂
Would anyone who attends regularly please advise me on proper ettiquette:

Such as…

Do you say “Amen” after receiving Communion?

I remember reading an interview with a Traditional Priest. I forget the question, but in responding he said that more and more “Novus Ordo” Catholics are attending his Traditional Mass. He explained that he could tell they were Novus Ordo Catholics because say “Amen” before receiving communion.
Many indult Latin Mass communities have Dialogue Masses where the congregation responds to the priest, be the Mass sung or recited. It is wise to follow the established local custom.
Good point. At some low Masses the congregation makes the same responses as the altar boys. Just remember if it is not a Dialogue Mass, the altar boys are speaking for the entire congregation.
Here’s a link that has the 1962 Missal online.
Thank you so much for the link. I attend Latin Mass from time to time but it is 35-40 miles away and only available twice a month. They do offer lace scarves for those who want them. They can either be borrowed or bought. There is no chatter in the vestibule or certainly not in the church. There is an aura of peace and wonder. Since altar rails are absent in this church, attendees kneel in the front pews and the Eucharist is given on the tongue.
Gregorian chant is used often and it was surprising how quickly I remember it. It is a beautiful experience.
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