I ran across this on “Dappled Things”, a blog by a young diocesan priest in northern Virginia. There appear to be more & more young priests embracing their Catholic heritage. Bodes well for the future I think.
donjim.blogspot.com/2007/01/eastward-liturgy-in-lutheranism-and.htmlOne of the things I hope that I’ve done through this blog is to have shown that a dedication to traditional liturgy and liturgical forms is not the sole property of the hard right. Or, to put it another way, traditional liturgical forms are proper to Christianity itself and are not indicators of ideological camps. Although you wouldn’t know it if you listened to certain loud voices (on the left and right), love of Gregorian chant, time-honored vestment styles, the Old Mass, traditional architecture, old-time devotions and ceremonies, eastward worship, and Latin is in the historical mainstream of Christianity. It is not some weird, far-right ghetto province.