Transitioning to NFP

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NFP attracts me for a number of reasons. As one who is currently on ortho-tricyclene lo (i.e. the Pill), I love the idea of taking control of my own fertility and regaining that sense of one-ness with my own body. With my exploration of the Church, the ethical and moral implications of ABC are becoming clear to me.

I have spoken with Hubby on the issue of NFP and birth control, and he has expressed an openness to NFP, though we do not necessarily want children any time soon.

I have been on the Pill since I was 16, am 22 now and, to be honest, I’m a little apprehensive to go off the pill. I do have plans to remain on the Pill until I feel like I/we are educated enough in NFP to make that transition.

Other than read, read, read - what advice would you give to someone in my situation? I’ve purchased The Art of Natural Family Planning by the Kippley’s and am very much looking forward to reading it.

Thanks for reading this 🙂

God Bless -

nods I frequent the Couple to Couple League site a lot and have found it to be a great resource.
Don’t forget confession if you have been having sex while on the pill!

NFP attracts me for a number of reasons. As one who is currently on ortho-tricyclene lo (i.e. the Pill), I love the idea of taking control of my own fertility and regaining that sense of one-ness with my own body. With my exploration of the Church, the ethical and moral implications of ABC are becoming clear to me.

I have spoken with Hubby on the issue of NFP and birth control, and he has expressed an openness to NFP, though we do not necessarily want children any time soon.

I have been on the Pill since I was 16, am 22 now and, to be honest, I’m a little apprehensive to go off the pill. I do have plans to remain on the Pill until I feel like I/we are educated enough in NFP to make that transition.

Other than read, read, read - what advice would you give to someone in my situation? I’ve purchased The Art of Natural Family Planning by the Kippley’s and am very much looking forward to reading it.

Thanks for reading this 🙂

God Bless -

Jess, take a class in one of the methods. Reading the book is not the same as taking the class. I am learning Creighton, and really like it. You can find CCLI, Billings, and Creighton online and find instructors. Or contact your local parish family life office.

When coming off the pill, you will need to take some extra precautions because your signs of fertility are distorted by the pill. So, there will probably be some extra abstinence-- however you can use that time to assess your relationship with both your husband and with God.

I’d suggest getting off the pill as soon as possible. There are MANY physical implications for women who started the pill at an early age and remain on it greater than 5 years. Please visit for some important info on that. Also, the pill is abortifacient-- it does not only work by supressing ovulation but also by preventing implantation (early abortion) especially the low dose pills.

And, also, once you know something is wrong, you can’t not know it-- so staying on the pill now creates an ethical dilemma.

NFP attracts me for a number of reasons. As one who is currently on ortho-tricyclene lo (i.e. the Pill), I love the idea of taking control of my own fertility and regaining that sense of one-ness with my own body. With my exploration of the Church, the ethical and moral implications of ABC are becoming clear to me.

I have spoken with Hubby on the issue of NFP and birth control, and he has expressed an openness to NFP, though we do not necessarily want children any time soon.

I have been on the Pill since I was 16, am 22 now and, to be honest, I’m a little apprehensive to go off the pill. I do have plans to remain on the Pill until I feel like I/we are educated enough in NFP to make that transition.

Other than read, read, read - what advice would you give to someone in my situation? I’ve purchased The Art of Natural Family Planning by the Kippley’s and am very much looking forward to reading it.

Thanks for reading this 🙂

God Bless -

Your comment of not wanting children anytime soon prompts me to ask “why not?” I’m glad you are ready to experience NFP, but in order to experience a fullness in your marriage, you need to be open to the idea of having children. That is, after all, why someone gets married as opposed to just dating. I’m not trying to pry…this is a very personal topic, but if you feel like sharing, please do.
Maybe I should rephrase things a bit. Hubby isn’t that interested in having children and I’m still vacillating on the issue. He is a bit older than I am (by 10 years), and unsure of where his career will take him. Right now he is in the middle of a job search that could literally take us anywhere. I am still in school and both of us have had pretty crappy childhoods (alcoholic parents, abuse, I was molested…all kinds of fun stuff) So, needless to say, we have issues with parenthood and fears about being able to raise halfway decent kids.

Anyways, there ya go. Smile

God Bless -

I don’t want this to sound snarky, because it’s not meant that way, but not everyone gets married in order to have children. There are a multitude of very valid reasons to become married.

Just wanted to throw my .02 in on that. 🙂

I don’t want this to sound snarky, because it’s not meant that way, but not everyone gets married in order to have children. There are a multitude of very valid reasons to become married.

Just wanted to throw my .02 in on that. 🙂

Jess, please understand that you are on a Catholic forum, therefore you are receiving information that comes from a Catholic perspective.

In the Catholic faith the primary end of the Sacrament of Marriage is the begetting and rearing of children.

So, while in the secular world there may be a “multitude of reasons” to get married, and excluding children may be the order of the day, that is not so in the Catholic faith.

As a matter of fact, a permanent intention against children is an impediment to a valid marriage in the Church.
Alright, Alright…Point taken. But - I had to chime in, ya know LoL I meant no offense.

Alright, Alright…Point taken. But - I had to chime in, ya know LoL I meant no offense.

Yes, certainly, chime away. I don’t think you’ll find anyone here (ok, maybe one or two people) who would be offended. We understand you are searching for information, bouncing ideas around, etc. So, in kind, please don’t be offended when we state, somewhat vigorously, our beliefs and the teaching of the Church.
Alright, Alright…Point taken. But - I had to chime in, ya know LoL I meant no offense.

For more information on NFP, and more detailed discussions, you might also try going over to Delphi forums ( and go to the NFPTalk board.

It is a very active discussion board, and many of the women there are instructors. Most are Catholic there, but there a good many who are not.
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