Transported to an event in Jesus' Life

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I thought I would introduce another meditation today.

You are seated in a comfortable chair in your home. You close your eyes. Suddenly, you are back in time, sharing in an event in the life of Christ.

Describe what you see. What is your role? How does Jesus react to your presence. How do you feel?

Please pray and meditate on it and share if you like.
I am standing at the foot of the cross behind John and Mary given Jesus my silent support. His eyes look into mine and tears begin to flow like a river as my heart is crushed by his pain and compassion. I get the feel that He is appreciative of my presence and support.

I suffer with Him in His pain not only of the crucifixion itself but the crowd calling Him names and insulting Him.

Through John, He gives us all Mary as our Mother with such love in His eyes it overwhelms me. I reappear in my home.
Last night, my wife & I were meditating together on walking a trail near the river in Egypt with Mary & Jesus (5-year-old). Jesus was having fun with all the animals we encountered as well as playing a bit with the children we meet as well. His smile is wonderful.
It must be great to be able to conjure up these images. I have never been able to meditate on anything for very long. I even have trouble meditating on the mystries while praying the Rosery. I am still a work in progress with God, there must have been several times He considered scrapping the project and starting over. 🙂
Last night, my wife & I were meditating together on walking a trail near the river in Egypt with Mary & Jesus (5-year-old). Jesus was having fun with all the animals we encountered as well as playing a bit with the children we meet as well. His smile is wonderful.
This is a pretty interesting style of praying. I think it could be a very good way to pray. It gets you to think of the capacity of Christs love for us.
Today, I was transported to the temple when Jesus was twelve and teaching the elders in the temple. I stood there listening to his deep insights into scripture and enjoying it. The elders would ask indepth questions and get answers leading them deeper into the faith. Amazing.

I was humbled by his great humilty and obedience when Mary and Joseph arrived and took him away.
It must be great to be able to conjure up these images. I have never been able to meditate on anything for very long. I even have trouble meditating on the mystries while praying the Rosery. I am still a work in progress with God, there must have been several times He considered scrapping the project and starting over. 🙂
It takes practice in using your creativity in creating images in your mind. I have read a lot all my life and this helps greatly.

For help with your rosary, you may want to find a pictorial rosary book somewhere with images about each of the mysteries to give you a starting place for your imagination.
I can see myself with my spouse and or family following Jesus as he go on through his early ministry. I feel called to tell others about this wonderful man of God who preaches peace and love of neighbor. Of course I do not know at this time that he is God made flesh! I do know that he is somehow different and will be making a diffference in my world. My heart knows that he is making his mark on the entire universe.

Jesus welcomes my family into his. He sees what gifts we have to share and encourages us to use them to spread the good news.

This is so beautiful, our priests always talk about this. But I have a very hard time keeping focused. I read the gospel, reflect on it, but just can’t get myself there. But thanks for the suggestion you posted, I will try it!
I just wanted to mention–for any visitors who may happen by, as we would all tend to know this–that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is exactly this: we are transported to an event in Jesus’ life. We are there.

“These words of Scripture have more authority than the most exalted human intellect.” (*)
Today, I find myself transported into St. Peter on the boat in the middle of a fierce storm. The other apostles are getting worried about the storm. Peter feels that boat is about to sink so he wakes up the sleeping Jesus. Jesus wakes up with a gentle smile and says “Be not afraid, I am with you always.” He waves his hand at the storm and it breaks, calming immediately.

The other apostles are awestruck. St. Peter is both amazed and slightly embarassed having admiting his fear.

Jesus then talk about the need to trust in Him always whether they can see Him or not.
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