"Trashing The Loaves and Fishes"

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It happens every year in the late summer. We get to hear the Gospel account of the story of the loaves and fishes. It is one of the most familiar accounts in the New Testament. It is also one that liberal theologians are fond of — as they say — “demythologizing.”

The Social Skill of Mocking God

Admittedly, it is a scene difficult to envision. If you were a Hollywood producer you would know how to depict Jesus walking on water, healing the sick and the blind, raising Lazarus from the dead, the Resurrection and Ascension. But the best of the special effects departments would have trouble enacting the feeding of the multitudes with five loaves and two fishes.

What phenomenon would you instruct the special effects folks to replicate? Did new loaves pop out of the bottom of the basket as each loaf was removed? Or did the loaves regenerate themselves as chunks were ripped from them? How did the new fish appear? In the original basket, or as they were distributed among the crowd? Why were not the crowds too stunned by what was happening to eat? These difficulties are what lead the progressives to tell us the story should not be read literally, that it represents the power of the Lord’s words to feed a spiritual hunger in the crowds that listened to Him that day.

Of course, the progressives interpret all the miracles in this manner. They tell us that Jesus’s walking on water and calming the seas represent the Apostles’ experience of the uniqueness of His relationship with the Creator; that a camera would not have noted anything different at the Transfiguration because the Divine Light was actually an interior reaction in the minds and hearts of the Apostles, who first grasped the divine nature of Jesus’s words that night. A camera would not have picked up anything out of the ordinary on Easter morning either, they assure us. The Resurrection symbolizes the Spirit coming to life in the minds and hearts of the Apostles. It is this interpretation of the Resurrection that led Dr. George Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to state a few years back, “I can tell you frankly that while we can be absolutely sure that Jesus lived and that He was certainly crucified on the Cross, we cannot with the same certainty say that we know He was raised by God from the dead."

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Hello Fidelis,

I have heard the corny statements that the multiplication of loaves was just Jesus inspiring people to dig deeper into their pockets for more food to share. But that conflicts with Jesus “leaven of the Pharisees” Jesus clearly uses the fact that his miricle produced enough to feed thousands. He uses this fact, in fact, to show how weak in faith the Apostles are.

NAB MAT 16:5 The Leaven of the Pharisees.

The diciples discovered when they arrived at the other side that they had forgotten to bring any bread along. When Jesus said to them, “Be on the lookout against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees,” they could think only, “This is because we have brought no bread?” How weak you faith is! Do you still not understand? Do you not remember the five loaves among five thousand and how many baskets-full you picked up? Or the seven loaves among foru thousand and how many hampers-full you retrieved? Why is it you do not see that I was not speaking about bread at all but warning you against the yeast of the Pharisees?"
About progressives trashing the loaves and fishes, John Crossan and some others hold (and I hope that I’m not misrepresenting his teachings) that this episode rather than being a miracle a la King of Kings, actually shows that during Jesus’ ministry in Galilee there developed amoung His followers a precurser to the Agape meals of the Apostolic Church. These meals would have been especially effective in attracting new followers considering the poverty level of most of the people of Galilee and thus Jesus’ followers (the Anawim?) Also, we can find indications that bread and fish was a stable of these meals in the post Resurrection espisode when Jesus meets His disciples along the sea of Galilee. He was ashore grilling a meal of fish.

This may explain why in John 6 there was a mass rejection of Jesus by His followers because He was taking these meals and interjecting a teaching totally foreign and repugnant to the average Jew, that is a misunderstanding that they were about to enter into the practice of cannabilism (a charge the Church has faced through out our history)

Also, as mentioned above, this could explain the rise of the agape meals mentioned in Acts, 1Cor, Galatians and the writings of Pliny the younger to Trajan.
About progressives trashing the loaves and fishes, John Crossan and some others hold (and I hope that I’m not misrepresenting his teachings) that this episode rather than being a miracle a la King of Kings, actually shows that during Jesus’ ministry in Galilee there developed amoung His followers a precurser to the Agape meals of the Apostolic Church. These meals would have been especially effective in attracting new followers considering the poverty level of most of the people of Galilee and thus Jesus’ followers (the Anawim?) Also, we can find indications that bread and fish was a stable of these meals in the post Resurrection espisode when Jesus meets His disciples along the sea of Galilee. He was ashore grilling a meal of fish.

This may explain why in John 6 there was a mass rejection of Jesus by His followers because He was taking these meals and interjecting a teaching totally foreign and repugnant to the average Jew, that is a misunderstanding that they were about to enter into the practice of cannabilism (a charge the Church has faced through out our history)

Also, as mentioned above, this could explain the rise of the agape meals mentioned in Acts, 1Cor, Galatians and the writings of Pliny the younger to Trajan.
Hello TOME,

Perfect example of the evil “demythology” that Fidelis is talking about.

I have suffered through their rendition several times over the years. :eek: I wonder whatever they bothered to become priest’s for in the first place.
These difficulties are what lead the progressives to tell us the story should not be read literally, that it represents the power of the Lord’s words to feed a spiritual hunger in the crowds that listened to Him that day.

Of course, the progressives interpret all the miracles in this manner.
I always want to find people like this and ask them just exactly what they think that God is.

I do not absolutely know that Jesus literally walked on water: I cannot prove it. However, I am as certain as I can be that Jesus could have done so, and I see no reason to have to search for a non-literal interpretation to the passage.
It is this interpretation of the Resurrection that led Dr. George Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, to state a few years back, “I can tell you frankly that while we can be absolutely sure that Jesus lived and that He was certainly crucified on the Cross, we cannot with the same certainty say that we know He was raised by God from the dead."
Considering that we only have one contemporary reference to Jesus outside of the Bible (Josephus, Antiquities, 18.63-4), we have only one more source saying that he lived than that he was resurrected. While this difference in source materials may be claimed to justify a difference in certitude, in cannot justify much, especially in a subject as imprecise as history.
Fides et Ratio

I have heard priests who have said the miracles were …metephors?


I was a Catholic drop-out who re-verted. I Reasoned my way back to Catholicism even though I would have prefered the Catholic Church NOT to have been the True Faith (that pesky Contraception ban!).

From being a sceptic I now have total trust in God’s Providence and I experience miracles every day. My life is amazing, I live in the supernatural. Life is soooo great and I can’t wait to die. Well, yes I can actually, because God’s timing is perfect and I don’t plan to second-guess Him.

WOW! Miracles!

Jesus said, “According to your faith be it done unto you.”

I guess those “liberal theologians” who are “demythologizing” have little or no Faith.
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