Today was Trent Horn’s debate with Dan Barker on the existence of God. Did anyone see it? What happened?
Wow, thanks for the summary! I would’ve loved to have heard the debate in person!summary of debate
wow do you have a link to a news article or something about that exorcism?I was at the debate, in the overflow room.
I felt Dan Barker was often repetitive because he was trying to use up his time (confusing)? He probably is a more seasoned speaker, but to me, he often sounded muddled in his arguments. When he couldn’t think of an answers, he resorted to using the old testament (i.e., where babies are bashed on rocks) out of context.
Dan Barker was a minister for many years. He was probably very familiar with the bible. My husband thought that, maybe, Dan Barker was trying to lure Trent front the ‘Existence of God’ debate to side debates about the bible. Most likely, he knew many people in the audience were not very familiar with the bible, and was trying to strengthen his point about God’s existence by using the ‘evil’ God allowed in bible, out of context. Although Trent Horn did not allow Dan Barker to move the argument to a debate about the bible, I feel that to some of the audience, bringing that up did plant seeds.
I think Trent Horn was clear, very prepared, citing sources, and easy to understand. I felt Dan Barker sounded muddled, cited very few atheistic sources, was repetitive and belittled Christians as stupid when he didn’t have a good reply to Trent’s points. If being a seasoned debater means what Dan Barker did, well, then he was that.
I hope Trent Horn, at least, planted seeds. Great job.
I wish that I had lined up to ask the following question to Dan Barker: “If God does not exist because there is not scientific measurement of him or his power, then Satan does not exist. How do you explain the recent story in Indiana where a family was recently exorcised. CPS workers, nurses, doctors, police officers, all professionals witnessed what they claim was evil supernatural forces they called “demons.” The boy was seen by the CPS worker and nurse climb up backwards on the wall and do a flip. The boy was seen being picked up and thrown against the room. How do you explain what happened there scientifically?”
I’m not surprised about the lop-sided number of questions -Iduring the question and answer section, we had more Atheists line up to ask Trent Horn questions like “What Created God?”, "with the first cause argument and “why the Monotheistic God and not, Aliens or multiple gods?”, “the problem of evil?”… among others that dealt with the Catholic Church on contraception and teaching on what happens to unbaptized babies - which Trent Horn answered every single one with good replies.
hey thanks for that review. I have since bought the mp3 and listened to it and the first time I listened I actually was disappointed and thought that Dan barker won. After listening to it a second time though I saw more how fans stuff was largely off topic. I fear that for the average Joe on the fence though that this won’t bring many people to our side. Please keep us posted about your agnostic friend. I’ll pray for his conversionI gave the debate to an agnostic at work. My hope and prayer is that the seeds Trent planted in the debate overwhelm the seeds planted by the opposing side.