Tridentine Mass

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Today I went to a Tridentine Mass and fought the tears coming out. What a beauty. From now on I intend to go every first Sunday of the month and the other three Sundays to my regular parish for the Novus Ordo.

Antonio 🙂
That’s great to hear. It’s always great to have such a moving experience. There is such beauty and reverence in the old mass. I too, attend both N.O. and TLM, but the TLM is very far away.
We had a visiting priest at our parish about 5 years ago, just before I was brought in to the Church. I was so hungry for the Eucharist.
I remember this Tridentine mass like it was yesterday. I too, found myself extremely moved emotionally and spiritually.
I think the thing that was most moving to me was the relationship between the priest and Almighty God. It was so evident to me that something supernatural was taking place, that it was breathtaking to me. The role of the priest was astonishing to me at this mass. It was the only Latin mass I have ever seen.
I hope to begin traveling to more. There is one weekly about 2 hours away in Portland Oregon I believe.
The mass is the most wonderful thing. Try getting a Saint Andrew Daily Missal. Saint Bonaventure Publications (1) sells one. It is packed with excellent information about all liturgical aspects of the Church, and gives a fine presentation of each mass throughout the year.
Antonio B:
Today I went to a Tridentine Mass and fought the tears coming out. What a beauty. From now on I intend to go every first Sunday of the month and the other three Sundays to my regular parish for the Novus Ordo.

Antonio 🙂
It truely is a beautiful Mass. After my first one in 40 years, I also thought I would continue on at my parish. But I can’t keep away from the TLM. I have since joined the Latin choir and it is now always my first choice.
I really need to get to one as well. I went to a wedding at an SSPX chapel and was so self conscious of being an outsider (long story) that I didn’t pay much attention. We have a FSSP church near by and I want to get there.
It truely is a beautiful Mass. After my first one in 40 years, I also thought I would continue on at my parish. But I can’t keep away from the TLM. I have since joined the Latin choir and it is now always my first choice.
I agree one hundred percent, there is nothing more beatutiful and I pray every day that more churches will be able to offer this mass.

God Bless
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